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For the past few years, the average ACT scores for Provo City School District have steadily risen and, in many cases, been higher that the averages for the state.  The most recent results continue that trend, with ACT averages for the district ranking higher than the state average in all four tested categories.

As a way to measure the skills needed for student success during the first year of college, the ACT consists of curriculum-based tests in mathematics, science, and English/reading.

For the 2017-18 school year, the average PCSD ACT scores are as follows: 

  • Composite: 21.1 (State: 20.4) 
  • Science: 21.1 (State: 20.5) 
  • Mathematics: 20.7 (State: 19.9) 
  • English: 20.7 (State: 19.7) 

Congratulations to all in Provo City School District for this great accomplishment.

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger