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In this month’s Society of Health and Physical Educator (SHAPE) newsletter, SHAPE spotlighted Kristen Bailey, a teacher at Timpview High School in Provo School District. We in Provo are very grateful for Kristen’s efforts to inspire students and teachers alike, and we congratulate her for a well-deserved spotlight. Read SHAPE’s nomination below.

This month our teacher spotlight is Kristen Bailey from Timpview High School in Provo City School District. Her nominator wrote, “Coach Bailey does an amazing job teaching the high school Zumba class. She is a certified Zumba instructor who brings high energy to her class. She uses fitness trackers in her class so students can see how much physical activity they are getting, how many calories they are burning, and how much time they spend at their target heart rate.” 

Kristen requires her students to teach a Zumba lesson to their peers. Students are introduced to various Zumba types (step, aqua, tone), and she brings in local Zumba instructors as guests to teach her class.

Kristen does a great job introducing her high school students to physical activity opportunities in the community. Her administrator told us she is an excellent teacher coach and does a great job of inspiring new teachers. She is very involved in school activities and positively contributes to the school culture! Kristen is great at incorporating the reading curriculum into physical education. 

We got to join her Zumba class and were excited to see the smiles in the room. We immediately wanted to participate in the fun, uplifting activity. Kristen did have heart rate monitors on her students so they could see their heart rates in real time, collecting data in real time. Even the students with disabilities had them on and were in the target range! She had several students with disabilities in her class, and they all engaged in the dance at 7:30 in the morning!

Kristen is the department head and is in charge of leading the department in new growth, goals, and expectations. Kristen spends her “spare time” coaching volleyball. Her administrator had this to say about her: “As department chair, Kristen serves on the Building Leadership Team and helps shape the direction of our school-wide initiatives. I can count on Kristen to support her teachers in implementing our professional development goals. The PE department has wholeheartedly bought into using AVID reading strategies to support literacy. She has a great spirit, strong integrity, and a solid work ethic. Timpview High School is lucky to have Kristen on staff.” 

We are excited to celebrate her accomplishments!

Spencer Tuinei
  • Communication Specialist
  • Spencer Tuinei

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