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Last modified: December 17, 2021

Emergency Situations Procedures

Provo City School District is committed to ensuring the safety and security of our students, staff, and visitors. Take a moment to review this guide to ensure you are prepared in the event of an emergency situation at school. School and district staff train yearly on emergency protocols and situation management and students take part in drills throughout each school year.


“Hold in your classroom” is ordered when there is an issue in a specific part of the building that is under control, but not yet fully removed. Business as usual within the classrooms; doors closed.


ordered when there is an issue OUTSIDE the building, most often police activity in the area that could pose a threat, or a wild animal nearby. Everyone returns inside the building, exterior doors are locked and “business as usual” continues inside the school.


Ordered when there is a threat INSIDE the building. Students and staff are secured IN the school. Staff does not communicate during a lockdown. Parents are not allowed on site during a lockdown.


Ordered when people must exit the building due to unsafe circumstances. If student pick-up or off-site reunification is required, instructions will be communicated by the school and/or district.


Ordered when personal protection is necessary from dangerous weather conditions such as a blizzard or hail. May also be ordered in the event of a hazmat situation in the area.

Please note: some situations may require a combination of actions above.

Examples of School Action

  • Severe Weather – Schools may Shelter until weather passes; could delay release of students at end of day until safe to exit building. 
  • Fire or Hazmat Situation in the AreaEvacuation or Shelter, depending on location and severity of fire/hazmat issue.
  • Threat of Violence or Weapon on a PersonLockdown, Secure, or Evacuation, depending on the situation.
  • Intruder – Requires an immediate Lockdown.
  • Police Activity in the AreaSecure may be called for by local law enforcement or or administration at the school or district.

What do I need to know and do?

  • If you’re at a school and an emergency occurs, follow protocol with students and staff.
  • We know families want information right away. Experience has taught us that initial information is almost always incorrect. Please know, our security and administrative staff are working hard to determine what the real situation is and will communicate with families as soon as information is verified as accurate and next actions have been determined.
  • Do not call the school or security staff, as they are working on the situation and ensuring your student’s safety. Do not go to the school; this may interfere with procedures. Only public safety personnel will be allowed in/near a school during an emergency situation.
  • We understand you may want to communicate with your student during an emergency, however, please refrain from calling; it may prevent him/her hearing important, possibly life-saving, instructions.
  • It is vital parents and guardians keep their information updated in PowerSchool. We will utilize email, text messaging, and phone calls to communicate with you.
  • In an emergency you can get information by checking our website for alerts on our homepage at You can also get information by following us on Instagram (provocityschooldistrict), Twitter (@ProvoSchoolDist) and Facebook (@provoschooldistrict).
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