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Last modified: março 26, 2025

Policy 5400 P4 Employee Leaves: Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leave may be granted to full-time contracted employees that have reached career employee status with the district and having completed six (6) years of effective service in Provo City School District. Sabbatical leave may be granted for additional educational experience or job related training. Employees granted sabbatical leave will not be employed for regular contractual services during the term of the leave.


A written letter of application containing a specifically defined program will be submitted to the Deputy Superintendent by February 1st for the following school year. The Deputy Superintendent will review applications for sabbatical and approve up to five candidates. They will then be recommended to the school board for final approval. Candidates receiving the sabbatical will submit a letter of acceptance within thirty days of approval. The school board reserves the right to not grant any sabbatical leave for a given school year.

Length of Leave

Sabbatical leave will be granted for a maximum of one (1) year. No less than one semester will be considered for sabbatical leave. The person leaving the position will be able to return to the same or similar position as employed at the time of leave.


An employee will not be paid a salary for the length of the sabbatical leave. Upon return to the district the employee will be placed on the salary schedule in the position they would have been if they had been engaged in regular teaching in the district during the year of absence.

The recipient of a sabbatical leave must return to the district after the leave and complete one full year’s service.

Referências cruzadas

  • Policy 5400 Employee Leaves Policy

Adoption Date:

26 de janeiro de 2015

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