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A great teacher can inspire their students, and an excellent teacher can inspire their peers. Lakeview Elementary teacher Camille Christiansen aids students in developing into lifelong readers using the most recent research-backed teaching methods. And, just as importantly, she forms friends from peers, informing their teaching methods by example. She lifts where she goes, modeling best teaching practices with the ease of a “veteran,” to quote her nominee, Mel-Stirling Durant.

Provo City School District proudly recognizes Camille Christiansen for her exceptional work and dedication to her school’s students, teachers, and staff.

Camille is beloved by teachers and students alike, inspiring awe in those who’ve known her during her time at Lakeview. To quote fellow teacher Mel-Stirling Durant:

“It takes a village to raise kids, especially in education. Camille’s presence as my partner has made this year a blessing. I’ve never known anyone as good with phonics in my entire life. I’m actually reading better in English because of Mrs. Christiansen. She’s inspired me to help students learn Portuguese phonics in a new way.

“Anytime one of her students surpasses a reading goal, she gets so excited that she visits my classroom to tell me about it. I can’t believe she’s only taught for two years; she looks like a veteran.”

Like Profesora Mel says, “I love her more than chocolate!”

Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves

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