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The Board of Education recognized this month’s recipients for the Provo Way Award at the Board meeting yesterday. The Provo Way Award is an opportunity for the district to recognize and celebrate the positive things that students, teachers, administrators, parents, and staff do for the district. The recipients, as well as their contributions to the district, are listed below.

Lisa Garland Provost Special Education Teacher

When the other special educator from her school left the district, Lisa took over that teacher’s responsibilities as well as her own. She has been managing the special education department and providing services to all the students with disabilities at her school. She has done an amazing job and this is only her second year in PSD.

Jason Purdie Timpview High School Teacher

Mr. Purdie invited one of our special needs students to be in the school musical. Taylor is a huge High School Musical movie fan and was in the school musical. During one of the performances, Mr. Purdie honored Taylor with a High School Musical team jersey and a video made just for Taylor from Bart Johnson, who played coach Bolton in the original High School Musical movie. Mr. Purdie set this special presentation up and always made sure Taylor had his own time in the spotlight when he was on stage.

Anne Barry Orton Timpanogos ESP: Child Nutrition

Anne works hard to make sure that over 200 breakfast and 500 lunches are fresh and ready to serve to our Elementary students each day. She also organizes the Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Snack program that is given to all students twice a week. Anne knows most students by name. Students feel safe and loved by her and her kitchen crew and enjoy talking with her time permitting. She is very good at teaching the student lunch workers to do their best and work hard. The students look to her for leadership, teaching and understanding.

Holly Behunin Centennial Middle School ESP: Child Nutrition

Holly is a CNP for the Provo School District. She is a mother of 2 that holds down 2 jobs. Her job at Centennial involves a rotation of different assignments. Holly approaches these assignments with a great sense of humor that spills over to the students. She always greets students with an enthusiasm that puts a skip in their step. They love the cheerful attention they get from her and often come visit with her after lunch. Holly has a big heart and is an example of friendliness to everyone she works with and the students she serves.

Julia Wainwright Wasatch Elementary 5th Grade Student

Julia is a 5th grade student at Wasatch Elementary School. She works so hard as a student and is very smart. Julia is such a great friend to all at school and always conscious of anything “wrong” on the playground or with children. For example, she found a cigarette butt on the playground and then organized a few girls to each take a trash bag and pick up garbage that was littered around our school’s playground.

She also enticed her mom and family to help buy gifts for the family in need that our class was helping and even met with her teacher after school was out for the Christmas holiday to give her the toys to deliver to the family.

Daniel Stokes Franklin ESP: Head Custodian

Mr. Stokes goes above and beyond as our head custodian at Franklin! He always comes to work with a smile on his face. One day, many of the teachers’ cars were stuck in the snow. Mr. Stokes stayed late after school, coming around to each teacher individually, and helped push their cars out of the snow. If you ask him to repair something, it will be done the next morning before school.

Melissa Haderlie Spring Creek Tech Support

Melissa Haderlie is new to Spring Creek this year. She has been amazing from day one. She has the responsibility of being the school’s social media manager, taking pictures and videos of events happening at our school and posting them on Facebook. She is also a HUGE resource to teachers with their computers, Promethean boards, iPads and ChromeBooks. If she doesn’t know something, she figures it out. Her initiative and positive attitude are a great example to the faculty at Spring Creek.

Marsha Judkins Former School Board Member

Throughout her service to the Provo City School District, Marsha conducted herself as more than a board member; she has acted as a true servant of the public, and of the public good as she saw it. Marsha approached her duties with unmatched energy and enthusiasm. She was a familiar face across the district as she attended community council meetings at every school. She was approachable both in public and online, and her constituents knew that they could always ask for help or information. Her consistent and unfailing dedication to the students, patrons and employees of the district is a model for us all.

Congratulations to all of the recipients and thank you for the positive impact you have had on our district!

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger