Last modified: March 19, 2025
Policy No. 4420 Grading and Progress Reports
The Provo City School District Board of Education recognizes the district’s responsibility to keep parents informed of student welfare and progress in school. Grades issued (whether written or electronic progress reports) and parent conferences on an established schedule each serve as meaningful activities that can support student performance and help to determine needed changes and improvement. Such written and verbal methods will provide information that is intended to be helpful to the parent, student, teacher, and counselor.
Teachers in grades 7-12 are required to enter scores/grades into the online grade book not less than weekly. K-6 teachers should regularly report student progress to parents. Elementary schools will use standards reports that indicate mastery, on a scale, of individual Math and English Language Arts standards. Individual schools may issue supplemental reports for additional subject areas. Secondary school grades will be issued using the state grading system and scale. At the secondary level, grades will also align with the statewide standardized high school transcript. Secondary students’ grade points will be reported for each semester, individually and cumulatively. Grades will be saved to transcripts at the end of each quarter. D grades will be permitted in accordance with Policy 4425 Credits and Transcripts.
The district Teaching and Learning department will specify the subject area/grade level essentials for all courses, Pre-K through 12th grade. In addition, each teacher will outline grading standards, practices, rubrics, and expectations for parents and students to understand. In grades K-6 teachers will post the district learning essentials on the teacher’s page on the school’s website. In grades 7-12, each teacher will issue a course syllabus (or course disclosure) for his/her respective courses at the beginning of each term. The syllabus will be shared with parents and students. Students entering the class at other points in the year must also receive the course syllabus/course disclosure. Course syllabi will also be posted on the teacher’s page on the school’s website.
Instruction and assessment in Provo City School District are based on state and district standards. Teachers issue grades based on assessments of how students learn the standards. As an effective instructional method, teachers will use learning targets (including success criteria and performance of understanding) to formatively assess student progress regularly. Common assessments, class tests/quizzes, and assignments should represent the authentic learning. Every student will be provided multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency of learning standards. Attendance as a single criterion will not be considered as part of any grade.
The district Teaching and Learning department will develop processes for formal periodic reports to parents. As well, the district will print and mail transcripts to high school students by early July of each year, which will serve as a graduation status report.
The superintendent will establish procedures for grading standards and reporting student progress. Procedures for grading at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels (including in alternative settings) will be developed. The high school procedure will also include a grading scale.
Approved by Board of Education
June 14, 2016