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Last modified: September 26, 2023

Policy No. 2900 Supervision of Students

All students are to be under assigned adult supervision when they are in school, traveling under school auspices or engaging in school-sponsored activities. Personnel assigned this supervision are expected to act as prudent adults in providing for the safety of students in their charge. Students arriving at school each morning should be permitted to enter the building through the main door at the time the first bus arrives at the school. If it is necessary, in the principal’s judgment, to require students to remain outside the building until immediately prior to the beginning of class activities or if students elect to remain outside until immediately prior to the beginning of class activities, a teacher or other responsible adult selected by the principal must supervise the students outside the building during the school’s posted hours.

During school hours or while engaging in school-sponsored activities, students will be released only into the custody of parent/guardian or other persons designated by the parent/guardian or prearranged approval by a parent/guardian. No teacher or other staff member will leave his/her assigned group unsupervised except in an emergency situation when other arrangements have been made. Supervision shall be provided during student arrival and departure times, lunch periods, and passing time at secondary schools or any other time students are released from class during school hours. Students who leave campus during school hours without permission shall receive an unexcused absence.

After School Supervision

Supervision shall be provided for all after-school, school-sponsored activities, including evening performances and athletic events. The building principal will develop a supervision plan for each event, providing sufficient supervision to ensure the safety of all participants and the functioning of the event. At the conclusion of the activity, a supervisor shall remain on site until the last student leaves campus or is released to a parent/guardian.

Supervision to and from School

District transportation is operated for the convenience of students residing in the district. The bus driver is responsible for the action of students on the bus and has the same authority as the teacher in the classroom.

Approved by Board of Education

January 10, 2023
