Camp Big Springs Registration Extended
March 5th, 2025
There is still time to register your 5th-grade student for a fun-filled week at Camp Big Springs! ...
Welcome everyone to this week’s episode of Provo City School District’s What’s Up With The Sup’ Podcast. I am Superintendent Wendy Dau. Students have officially returned to school and I couldn’t be more excited for this school year. This week I spent some time at Canyon Crest Elementary. I was able to visit with Principal Sean Edwards and visit a classroom to talk about the excitement for this year with both the teachers and the students.
But before we hear from them, let’s share our updates.
Now on to our visit at Canyon Crest Elementary. So I am here with Dr. Edwards. He is the principal at Canyon Crest Elementary. Welcome to the podcast.
Sean Edwards: Thank you so much. It’s great to be here. Thanks for inviting Canyon Crest to be on the podcast this week.
Wendy Dau: This is awesome because we’re highlighting teachers and students and our principal kind of going along with talking about the first week of school, what we’re most excited about, and really just how we’re trying to make Provo City School District a magical place to go to school and also to work.
So tell us a little bit about your really cool theme that you have going on this year, because I was really excited to hear about it.
Sean Edwards: Yeah, we are so excited to be embracing this idea of Cultivating Magic across our district and we are certainly doing that here at Canyon Crest. Our theme this year comes from the very popular Inside Out 2 movie.
That so many of our students saw this summer. And really what we learned from that movie was self acceptance and that all emotions are valid and that it’s okay to make mistakes because that’s how we learn and grow. So our motto this year is Be Your Best You. And it is that motto that we’re going to use to cultivate magic all across our school.
Wendy Dau: Oh my gosh, that’s pretty exciting. So I’m going to have so many questions for you guys about that. Have you all seen the movie? Okay, tell us how yesterday went. It was the first day of school, we showed up, there was red carpet, all the kids were coming in, they were getting cheered as they walked in the building.
Tell us about kind of how the day went and how you felt kids were feeling and all those good things.
Sean Edwards: Yeah, the first day of school is really the best day of school. The students and the parents came to school with the greatest, most positive energy ready to go. The smiles on all of our students faces.
The high fives were absolutely fantastic. I know that our students are ready to take on the 24/25 school year. And I’m so grateful for just all the positivity that they brought into our building, you know, faculty and staff, we spend a considerable amount of time days before the first day of school, preparing, getting classrooms ready, and they have worked so hard to get things in order.
And we’re all so excited. And when that first day comes, it reminds us what all truly here for and that is for our students. And so yesterday was fantastic.
Wendy Dau: Awesome. Well, and just that energy was just seen from the parents. Like you said, parents and teachers and students, it was pretty fantastic. So how’s the second day of school going?
Sean Edwards: Second day of school. Yeah, yeah. How are we doing?
Wendy Dau: How are we doing on day two? Same energy.
Sean Edwards: Day two is so great. You know, at Canyon Crest, we’ve been learning a lot of new things across our whole community, especially with our newly designed parking lot. And you know, day one, we’re all learning. I was so impressed this morning at how the flow went with our parking.
I mean, people are getting into the routine so quickly. Quickly, more than I even anticipated. And so just going into the day today was absolutely positive. And then throughout the day, I’ve been popping around classrooms, dropping in. And, uh, teachers are getting students into routines, getting the structure down and everyone is just launching into the school year, just going so well.
Wendy Dau: There’s a, there’s a really great feeling, I think, across Canyon Crest, but also across the whole district. So, tell us how students are going to be recognized for their bringing magic or being their best self this year.
Sean Edwards: Yeah, that is such a great question. You know, at Canyon Crest, we have an initiative called ROAR.
And if you go around and ask the students what ROAR stands for, they’ll be able to tell you because it is so embedded in every single thing that we do.
Basically when students are recognized for such magical behavior that aligns with our ROAR framework- Respect, Ownership, Attitude, and Responsibility- I’m not going to say it loud because they know what it is, but when they do those things and when we, when we see those things happen, we recognize that behavior because we want to celebrate all of the wonderful things that students do, not only academically, but also in terms of how we treat one another, how we engage with each other, with adults and with the building.
And so we’re super excited to be recognizing students for the magic they cultivate and create through ROAR behavior.
Wendy Dau: And also all the magical learning you guys are going to be doing this year as you get smarter and smarter and smarter, right? I’m going to shift to some of the students. Are you guys ready?
Okay. So tell me your name.
Savannah Collier: I’m Savannah Collier.
Wendy Dau: Savannah Collier. And what grade are you in Savannah?
Savannah Collier: I’m in sixth grade.
Wendy Dau: Sixth grade. Oh my goodness. You’re almost in middle school. That’s exciting, right?
Savannah Collier: Yeah.
Wendy Dau: Okay. Who’s your teacher?
Savannah Collier: I have two teachers. The first one is Mayestra Garcia, and the second one is Dr. Egan.
Wendy Dau: Awesome, so you are in our Spanish Dual Immersion program.
Savannah Collier: Yes.
Wendy Dau: Awesome, okay. Let’s talk a little bit about this theme of Inside Out. How do you want to be your best self? Like, what is your goal for this year?
Savannah Collier: I have a lot of goals, but my biggest one is to make new friends, and that it’s okay to make mistakes.
Wendy Dau: Yeah, it is okay to make mistakes, right? We all do. Sometimes we keep thinking that we have to be so perfect. We don’t. We learn, right? Yes. Okay, tell me what your favorite subject is in school.
Savannah Collier: Um, either science or art. I love drawing, but science experiments are also pretty fun.
Wendy Dau: That’s amazing. Okay. And what are you most looking forward to this year?
Savannah Collier: I’m excited to learn new things and catch up on math again, cause I’m so lost.
Wendy Dau: Sometimes math can be a little tricky, right? That’s okay. Let’s see if you remember what does ROAR stand for?
Savannah Collier: It stands for Respect, Ownership, Attitude, and Responsibility.
Savannah Collier: Oh my goodness, you’re amazing. Okay, so tell me how you demonstrate that you have a magical attitude here at Canyon Crest.
Like, what are some things that you would do to have that great attitude? Being kind to others.
Savannah Collier: I love being nice to people because they’re nice to me back.
Wendy Dau: It just makes the school a better place, doesn’t it?
Savannah Collier: Yes.
Wendy Dau: Yes, it really does. If we would all just treat each other better, life would be a lot easier, huh?
Savannah Collier: Yes.
Wendy Dau: For sure. Do you want to give a shout out to a favorite teacher or to a friend and say, like, you’re awesome because you got the mic so you can say whatever you want?
Savannah Collier: I love all of the teachers, honestly.
Wendy Dau: Oh my goodness, you’re melting my heart right now. That’s amazing. All right, Canyon Crest, you’re making an impression.
That’s incredible. Okay, tell us your name.
Student: My name is Kaitlin Hill.
Wendy Dau: Kaitlin Hill, and what grade are you in, Kaitlin?
Kaitlin Hill: I’m also in sixth grade.
Wendy Dau: Oh my goodness, you guys are so grown up. Okay, so tell me a little bit about what you’re most looking forward to this year.
Kaitlin Hill: I’m really looking forward to learning new things like in science and math and ELA.
Wendy Dau: That’s great. It seems like lots of kids are liking science here at Canyon Crest, so that makes me pretty excited. What do you love most about science? What’s happening here at Canyon Crest that’s making science so great?
Kaitlin Hill: We have STEM fairs every year and it makes it so that every classroom, the teacher can have an activity. And you can do science.
Wendy Dau: And they’re just pretty fun kinds of things that you’re doing. What’s been one of your favoritest things that you’ve done maybe in the past?
Kaitlin Hill: I really like Mr. Lindell does rockets and it’s really fun to see.
Wendy Dau: He makes the rockets, that’s awesome. Okay. So tell us who your teachers are.
Kaitlin Hill: I have the same teachers as Savannah, Mayestra Garcia and Dr. Egan.
Wendy Dau: Tell us what ROAR is in Spanish.
Kaitlin Hill: (In Spanish) Respect, Ownership, Attitude, Responsibility.
Wendy Dau: Oh, that was very good. Okay, what’s your favorite area to focus on out of those four?
Kaitlin Hill: I really like respect because I think it’s really important to show respect to teachers when they’re teaching you things.
Wendy Dau: Every teacher is going to love hearing this.
You just made every teacher’s day right there. They love that. What is one of the things that you just love about Canyon Crest? Because there’s a special feeling here.
Kaitlin Hill: I really think it’s magical that every year we have a new theme. Like last year, it was Mario Kart, and then we had like new bells and things, and I think that it’s really magical to walk into that.
Wendy Dau: It is really magical, isn’t it? And it’s magical just when you know that there’s a lot of people here that want you to be successful, right?
Kaitlin Hill: Yes.
Wendy Dau: It’s so great. Okay. Do you have a shout out to a favorite teacher or a friend or something? You just want to be like, Hey, you’re amazing.
Kaitlin Hill: I also think all the teachers here are amazing. They just teach so well and they give lots of details about things.
Wendy Dau: Awesome. Well, thank you. All right. We’re going over here.
Clark Hemsath: My name is Clark Hemsath.
Wendy Dau: Okay, and what grade are you in?
Clark Hemsath: Oh, you won’t believe it, but I’m also in 6th.
Wendy Dau: Oh my gosh, are you all 6th graders? Oh my goodness, that’s why you’re so mature and cool, right?
You know you’re the coolest kids in the school, right? Yeah. Who’s your teacher?
Clark Hemsath: Also the same ones as Katelyn and Savannah.
Wendy Dau: So you’re also in Spanish Dual Immersion. What has been the best part about being in Dual Immersion class?
Clark Hemsath: That I get to talk to more people and, uh, yeah.
Wendy Dau: I would love to be in a store and be able to just understand different languages.
Like, because I only speak English. Do you find that fun where you’re like, Oh my gosh, I could talk to that person, I could talk to that person. Do you ever find yourself doing that?
Clark Hemsath: Yeah.
Wendy Dau: And do you tell your parents what everybody’s saying?
Clark Hemsath: I mean, they also know Spanish.
Wendy Dau: Oh, your parents know Spanish. You are so lucky. That’s incredible.
Okay, so tell me what your favorite part is about Canyon Crest.
Clark Hemsath: There’s two recesses and I haven’t been here for long, so.
Wendy Dau: How long have you been a student at Canyon Crest?
Clark Hemsath: Uh, this is my second year.
Wendy Dau: So, you like that there’s two recesses. What do you love to do at recess? What makes recess magical for you?
Clark Hemsath: I don’t know, foursquare?
Wendy Dau: Okay, foursquare is pretty great. What’s your favorite subject?
Clark Hemsath: Math, science, STEM.
Wendy Dau: See, we have got the math, science, STEM thing going on here. What do you love most about that?
Clark Hemsath: We do lots of different activities for STEM Fridays and Math is also fun.
Wendy Dau: How are you going to be your best self this year?
What is a goal that you have for yourself this year?
Clark Hemsath: To get better at stuff.
Wendy Dau: And that’s what we all want to do, right? We’re here at school to get better at all things, right?
Clark Hemsath: Yeah.
Wendy Dau: That’ll be good. Alright, that was awesome. Thank you. Alright, last student. Here we go. Are you ready? Tell me your name.
Theo Bradford: I’m Theo Bradford.
Wendy Dau: Tell me what you’re most looking forward to this year at Canyon Crest.
Theo Bradford: Dr. Egan said that he’d make math fun, so I’m excited for that. I’m so excited to keep learning Spanish.
Wendy Dau: Good. Why do you think learning Spanish is so helpful? Like, what are you most looking forward to as you’re developing this skill in another language?
Theo Bradford: To be able to talk to other people. I mean, I’ve already been to Spain. Well, it’s kind of fun to learn a second language and just connect with the culture.
Wendy Dau: Yeah, you get to connect with people who have lots of different backgrounds and interests, right? So that’s pretty great. How are you gonna be your best self this year?
Theo Bradford: I’m just gonna try hard and keep on learning.
Wendy Dau: Good. How would Dr. Egan make math fun for you. Because he said he was going to make it fun, so how do you define fun?
Theo Bradford: I mean, just like, it brings me joy and I like to do it.
Wendy Dau: That’s awesome. Okay, out of ROAR, out of those four things, which one is the one you’re the best at?
Theo Bradford: Maybe attitude or responsibility.
Wendy Dau: Okay. And tell us why those are your strengths.
Theo Bradford: I just like to be kind and help people and respect the teachers. And to help them teach us.
Wendy Dau: Our teachers are going to love this. This is going to be the best ever. Tell us how your first day of school went. Was it magical?
Theo Bradford: Kind of. I mean, I’m kind of used to everything.
Wendy Dau: Okay. You’ve been here a while, so this is kind of routine for you. What did you like most about your first day?
Theo Bradford: Just getting to know the teachers and everyone in my class.
Wendy Dau: Okay, that’s great. You’re gonna have a great year, right?
Theo Bradford: Yeah.
Wendy Dau: Yeah, you are. Okay, we’re gonna move on to our teachers now.
Oh, I love this so much. Okay, so tell us your name, how long you’ve been at Canyon Crest, and what grade you teach?
Pilar Garcia: (Speaking Spanish-translation to follow)
Translator: So she is the teacher of these sixth graders that we have been talking to, and it is her second year here at Canyon Crest.
Wendy Dau: What is the best part about Canyon Crest?
Pilar Garcia: (Speaking Spanish-translation to follow)
Translator: Mayestra Pilar Garcia is from Spain, and so it’s really cool for her to come here, and she’s created a home for herself here.
Wendy Dau: Oh, I love that! So Canyon Crest is like the second home to you. It’s awesome. What is the best part about teaching in a dual language program?
Pilar Garcia: (Speaking Spanish-translation to follow)
Translator: She thinks it’s cool because she has an opportunity to learn from the students, from their culture and their lives, and then they get to also learn from her culture and her life as well.
Wendy Dau: That’s pretty incredible. Tell us about your first day. How was your first day? Was it as magical as I hope it was? And tell us what it was like to get to know your students and kind of what you went through yesterday. What was your day like?
Pilar Garcia: (Speaking Spanish-translation to follow)
Translator: it’s very different than it is in Spain, and so it’s just like really cool to be here and to see the first day happening here and see the difference between Spain and and America.
Pilar Garcia: (Speaking Spanish-translation to follow)
Translator: She doesn’t have a red carpet in Spain on the first day of school, so it was really cool to come to this, and we had that last year, and we have that this year, and to see the magic happening on the children’s faces, as they come in.
She got asked if she wanted to go outside or be inside when the kids came and she said, I’m going outside. I’m going to see the magic happen as they come in.
Wendy Dau: Tell me a little bit about how you’re going to help students be their best selves this year since that’s your theme from Inside Out.
Pilar Garcia: (Speaking Spanish-translation to follow)
Translator: it’s important to create a positive connection with both co workers and the children. And when we do that, we’re able to create a magic that’s just bigger than we ever imagined. And so it’s important that we can create that all together here at the school.
Wendy Dau: How do you feel like your principal and assistant principal have helped to kind of create a magical environment here for you as teachers?
Pilar Garcia: (Speaking Spanish-translation to follow)
Translator: Sean is always there for all of us, and we’ve created a family here, and there’s respect. Um, she said that we are able to say what we, we need to say, and we’re heard, and we’re able to go to him when we need to and create this relationship with all of us together.
Wendy Dau: How do you want to kind of take the magic that has happened these first two days and hopefully sustain that throughout the school year?
Pilar Garcia: (Speaking Spanish-translation to follow)
Translator: So we’re going to keep creating those connections with the students and she wants to see those smiles at the end of the year, every day till then, based on assignments and tests that we take and on the ROAR behavior that we have.
We just want to see those smiles all the time.
Wendy Dau: And you’re going to keep creating that magic as these guys want to learn. You just see that they’re so excited to just get better at everything. You’re so lucky to have a classroom full of kids like that, right? That’s amazing. Well, thank you so much. I’m so excited for this first week of school.
And thank you everybody for being a part of our podcast.
Thank you for joining me for this week’s episode of What’s Up With The Sup’. As always, all episodes will be posted on the district website, YouTube, and anywhere you get your podcasts. If you have any topics or questions you would like us to discuss on the podcast, please email us at Please join me again next week for another all new episode of What’s Up With The Sup’? See you next time!
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