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Are you a parent of a kindergartner? If so, chances are you’ve had this thought, How is my Kindergartener going to learn online? I can barely keep them still for a few minutes!

Mrs. Dalton, from Wasatch Elementary, gives us a glimpse into her kindergarten classroom.

“My focus is getting parents and students comfortable with online learning,” said Dalton. “I don’t want learning to seem like a chore.”

To keep her students engaged, Dalton stated, “Students want to be entertained and because they are used to online platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and television, it’s going to be hard to compete! That’s why I’m working hard to create content that is both exciting and educational.”

“In my videos, I will be talking to my students as if they were there. I will ask questions, pause, and wait for answers.”

“I’ve also asked parents to send pictures of their students so I can share them. To me, it’s important to continue building our classroom culture.”

In addition to their education, Dalton also cares about her students’ emotional, social, and physical health. As an extra assignment, Dalton teamed with the school’s PE teacher and created a physical activity video. “I think the kids will watch this video and think it is funny,” said Dalton. “I’m hoping this video will make the kids smile and laugh.”  

In closing, Dalton had one last thing to say, “I want my students and parents know that I love them,” she said with a smile. “And I also want them to know that I’m here to support them!”

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger