Mini Grant Recipient, Jordan Cimenski
March 26th, 2025
"Students really need practice with this these days," Jordan Cimenski, an English teacher at...
Canyon Crest School Boundaries
Hello District One!
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your representative on the Provo City School Board. I am grateful to work on behalf of our community, ensuring that our schools offer strong educational programs and our students have every opportunity to succeed. I’d like to share some of the work I’ve been focused on, as well as key updates affecting our area.
As your representative, I serve on several important district committees, where I collaborate with fellow board members, staff, and community members to address district needs:
Construction at Timpview High School is progressing and phase one should be completed in February. The next areas of the school that need to be addressed to ensure we are meeting the safety standards set by the state include the auditorium, administration, cafeteria, performing arts and CTE classroom wings. Solicitation for bids for this phase of construction is currently open and will close the day before Thanksgiving. Next steps involve finalizing plans, presenting them to the board for review, and making decisions on how to proceed. I know this has been a challenging project to date for our community. Thank you to our students, faculty and staff, administrators, and Timpview neighbors for your patience and willingness to find solutions as we navigate this together.
At this point, the board is in favor of moving forward with the next phase of construction using a Municipal Building Authority (MBA) Bond over a General Obligation (GO) Bond, which would delay the start of construction by at least a year. This approach helps avoid increased costs associated with pausing and restarting construction, and mitigates future cost increases due to inflation. Factoring into this decision for me is the fact that current interest rates for MBA bonds and GO Bonds are not very different. The current average MBA Coupon rate is 4.62% and the average GO Coupon rate is 4.52%.
Our board has recently approved a new 5 year Strategic Plan for the district with three clear priorities: academic achievement, wellness and safety, and stewardship of resources. This framework provides a clear vision and roadmap for increasing rigor and improving educational outcomes, supporting student and teacher well-being, and managing resources responsibly. It will help us make informed, focused decisions that align with our community’s values and priorities. I am excited to see our schools laser focus on these priorities and look forward to sharing progress and outcome data with you along the way. Thank you to the many community members who worked hard to help us develop this plan.
Lastly, I want to recognize our superintendent, Wendy Dau, whose dedication and hard work have been instrumental in our district’s progress. Superintendent Dau consistently champions improvements in all areas, including instructional leadership, student achievement, communication, and transparency.
I especially appreciate the weekly video updates Supt. Dau shares with the community. In these brief videos, she highlights successes, identifies areas for growth, answers community questions, and invites viewers to participate in upcoming district activities.
If you’re not currently receiving these weekly updates but would like to, please email me at, and I’ll ensure you’re added to the list. Additionally, don’t miss her weekly podcast, “Sup With the Sup,” for even more insights.
Your insights and input are essential as we make decisions that shape the future of our district. Please reach out to me anytime with questions, concerns, or suggestions. If you are interested in applying to serve on either our Citizens Connection Committee or our Parent Advisory Committee here is the link to do so:
Thank you for your continued support of our schools. Working together I know we can help our students become lifelong learners and engaged community members.
With Care,
Lisa Boyce
District 1 Board Representative, Provo City School Board
Edgemont & Rock Canyon Boundaries
Hello District Two,
I have been busy attending community council meetings and PTA meetings at Timpview, Rock Canyon, and Edgemont, and I am so impressed with the work being done at all the schools. Thank you to all our parent volunteers who help make our schools amazing!
I have been working closely with Rebecca Neilsen to update our Board Handbook, a valuable tool for all board members, especially new members.
The finance committee assisted with our annual audit, and our school district received the highest marks. We are very proud of our financial team led by our Business Administrator, Devyn Dayley.
Each board member has the opportunity to meet with our Student Advisory Committee, led by our student board members. This is a valuable chance to hear the concerns and ideas from our students.
The Capital Facilities Committee met last month to review our district facilities. The committee is creating a schedule for when items should be replaced or updated to ensure that our schools remain in excellent condition. Special thanks to our janitors for keeping our schools clean and well-maintained!
Looking ahead, I’m excited for the completion of Timpview’s Phase 1 in February. The new additions are beautiful and enhance safety. I am hopeful that we can begin the final phase of Timpview soon. Dixon Middle School site also has three potential options we are considering:
We expect to make a final decision after completing our boundary study this spring.
As a member of the MTECH Board, I am thrilled about the opportunities available in Utah County. Did you know that high school students can attend MTECH classes for free? Tuition is waived for high school students (fees still apply). Our MTECH campus in downtown Provo offers programs in Advanced EMT, Emergency Medical Technician, Information Technology, Medical Assisting, Medical Coding and Billing, Nurse Assistant Accelerated, and soon, Dental Assisting. This K-16 alliance provides even more options for our students’ futures.
The district is looking for applicants for two new committees.
Thank you for always supporting our schools. We are truly blessed to have such amazing institutions with dedicated teachers and staff.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Melanie Hall
District 2 Board Representative, Provo City School Board
Wasatch School Boundaries
Hello District Three,
It is a pleasure serving you as a member of the Provo City School Board. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing work of making our district a great place for our students and educators.
Since joining the school board, I have enjoyed the opportunity to spend time in more of our schools. I’ve had the privilege of attending School Community Council (SCC) and PTA/PTO meetings at Centennial, Provo Peaks, and Wasatch. These meetings are a window into the heart of our school communities, and it is inspiring to see the passion and dedication of parents, teachers, and school leaders working together. I love these and other opportunities to be in our schools and see how each school is creating a culture of support, care, and learning for all of our students. As well as recognizing areas for improvement and developing goals to address needs for growth.
I am excited that the new Wasatch Elementary is nearing completion! This project has been a long journey, and I am eager for the students, teachers, and staff to move into a safe building that will support their learning and well-being. I know the site preparation and construction has taken time, and I am especially grateful to the neighbors around the school site for your patience and understanding during the building of this wonderful new space. I want to thank the Wasatch School Community Council Safety Committee and the Provo City Engineers for their tremendous effort and collaboration to develop the safe routes to school plan for the new site. As well as a thank you to Principal Snow and her team for their preparations to make the move in January go smoothly.
The construction at Timpview High School is progressing and I am anxious for the completion of phase one this coming February. It is a top priority for the school board to move forward with phase two of the project immediately after completion of phase one. Our business administrator, Devyn Dayley, has been working with the architect and construction team to ensure we make necessary preparations during this phase to prevent the need to re-do/undo work as we move into the next steps. I know the construction at Timpview has had an impact on our students, teachers, and the broader Timpview community. I am grateful to Principal Tu’ua and her team and their efforts to make the best of this season of construction. Thank you to our students, parents, and families for your patience and flexibility.
I have enjoyed the opportunity to participate on the Capital Facilities Committee. The purpose of this committee is to ensure our school buildings are well-maintained, safe, and adequate for our students, teachers, and staff. This includes developing a complete inventory of our buildings and equipment, and creating a schedule for routine maintenance and/or replacement. I am proud of the great work this committee is doing to ensure we are efficient and wise with our existing budget, while staying on top of the necessary maintenance across the district. We are working hard to improve our facility management and long-term planning as stewards of these resources.
Another important capital facility priority for the school board is the future of the Dixon Middle School site. The school board is committed to making a decision for this property that will serve the Dixon neighborhood and the district as a whole. One of the options we are considering is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) building. This would expand opportunities for our secondary students at both high schools, and provide a central home for other programs like Adult Education, East-Bay Post High, and our CAPS program. And while both of our high schools offer CTE classes, there are more programs we could be offering our students if we decide to expand our CTE program. We have been visiting CTE schools in other districts across the state to better understand what this could look like in our district.
We are currently forming two district parent and community committees to help provide feedback to the school board and district leadership. Input from the community is a necessary part of the work I do on the school board and I would love to have you on one of these committees. The application for both can be found using the QR code in this newsletter or on the district website, as well as information about the scope and purpose of each committee. I love hearing from you and you can always reach out to me directly if you need.
Finally, I want to express my appreciation for Superintendent Wendy Dau and her leadership across our district. My term on the school board began with the process of hiring a new superintendent, and it has been a privilege to see Wendy step into this role with such passion, dedication, and hardwork. She continues to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to our students, as well as a deep support for our teachers, administrators, and staff. I especially appreciate the ways she has improved communication, engaged with the Provo community, and emphasized transparency. Wendy’s leadership is making a significant difference in the quality of education and the overall experience for our students.
Thank you for the trust you’ve placed in me (and making it through this long letter!) to serve as your representative. Thank you for supporting the education of the children in Provo City.
Wishing you a happy holiday season,
Meg Van Wagenen
District 3 Representative, Provo City School Board
Provost & Springcreek Boundaries
Hello District Four!
First, I want to thank you for the opportunity I have to represent you on the school board. I am finishing my sixth year in this role and am grateful for the work I’ve been able to participate in to benefit our students and teachers. Thank you for reaching out with questions and concerns. I love hearing from you! We want every student to have a wonderful experience in the Provo City School District, and your feedback is valuable in helping me know what is going well and where we need to focus our efforts to improve.
Two years ago, the board began a thorough process to hire a new superintendent. Wendy Dau has now been leading our district for a year and a half, and I want to give her a huge thank you. She and her team have so much passion and love for our students and teachers, working tirelessly day in and day out to support them.
I am proud of the work that our district and the citizens steering committee undertook this last year to develop our new strategic plan. You can learn more about it in this newsletter and by listening to the two podcast episodes about it. (See episodes 63 & 64: There are three main pillars of focus, and I want to share with you some things we are working on within each of these pillars:
You can stay up to date on the work we’re doing by following me on social media. And please reach out to me anytime, either through email or text or phone call. I’d love to hear from you!
Jennifer Partridge
District 4 Representative and Board Vice President, Provo City School Board
Amelia Earhart, Franklin & Sunset View Boundaries
Hi District Five,
As your school board member I have been assigned to five schools: Amelia Earhart, Sunset View, and Franklin Elementary Schools, Shoreline Middle School, and Independence High School. My committee assignments are the Foundation, Legislative, Financial/Audit, and Safety Committee.
I want to remind you that the state legislature 2025 session starts on January 21st. I mostly watch the House and Senate Education Committee meetings, but the School Security Task Force will give you information about how they want the school district to implement the armed guardian program.
One last thing, if you want to participate in any of the district level committees, please use the link below to fill out the form. For some of the committees you do not need to be a parent/guardian of a student. Some committees need community members to be involved as well. Please participate.
If you have any questions please contact me at
Teri McCabe
District 5 Representative, Provo City School Board
Lakeview & Westridge Boundaries
Dear District Six,
Here are some important school-related items particular to our NW area of Provo:
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in making our schools the best they can be.
Warm regards,
Rebecca Nielsen
District 6 Representative and Board President, Provo City School Board
Timpanogos Boundaries
Hello, District 7!
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your representative on the Provo City School Board. I am grateful to work on behalf of our community, ensuring that our schools offer strong educational programs and our students have every opportunity to succeed. I’d like to share some of the work I’ve been focused on, as well as key updates affecting our area.
As your representative, I serve on several important district committees, where I collaborate with fellow board members, staff, and community members to address district needs:
We’re collaborating closely with our state legislators to address key funding needs for public education. Our goals include securing adequate funding to support all students, with a key focus on increased at-risk funding, which provides essential resources for students who require additional support. We’re also encouraging a more manageable number of education bills each year, to allow for better implementation and focus on high-priority issues.
Right now, a primary focus is our Electronic Devices/Cell Phone Policy. The aim is to strike a balance that helps students remain focused during class while still allowing for appropriate use of technology.
Here, we work to ensure that our schools and facilities are maintained effectively and equipped to meet student needs—all within the constraints of our existing budget. We’re committed to making smart decisions that keep our buildings in top condition for years to come.
I oversee our Student Board Member program, which is in its second year. This program brings two high school seniors onto the board as non-voting members. These students attend board meetings and participate in district committees, offering a vital student perspective on key issues. It’s been rewarding to hear directly from students about their experiences, ideas, and concerns. This program strengthens our commitment to creating policies that truly support student needs.
A topic of particular interest to many in our area is the future of the Dixon property. Now that the middle school has moved to the west side of the city, there are questions about how this site can best serve our district and community. At our latest community meeting on October 29, we saw strong interest in using the Dixon site for one of two main purposes:
We are still gathering feedback on these options and welcome your thoughts. One significant consideration for any decision on the Dixon site will be securing funding. Developing either a CTE center or a new elementary school would likely require a bond, which would need the community’s support.
I’m also pleased to announce that the district has developed an outstanding new strategic plan that will guide our decision-making for the next five years. The plan focuses on three key priorities: academic achievement, wellness and safety, and stewardship of resources. This framework provides a clear vision and roadmap for improving educational outcomes, supporting student well-being, and managing resources responsibly. It will help us make informed, focused decisions that align with our community’s values and priorities.
Lastly, I want to recognize our superintendent, Wendy Dau, whose dedication and hard work have been invaluable to our district’s progress. Superintendent Dau consistently drives improvements across all areas of the district, from instructional leadership and student achievement to communication and transparency. Her commitment to making positive changes is evident in every aspect of our schools, and I am confident that, with her leadership, our district will continue to thrive.
Your insights and input are essential as we make decisions that shape the future of our district. I encourage you to stay involved, attend board meetings when you can, and reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued support of our schools and community. Working together, I’m confident we can create a future that gives all Provo students the tools they need to thrive.
Warm regards,
Gina Hales
District 7 Representative7, Provo City School Board
"Students really need practice with this these days," Jordan Cimenski, an English teacher at...
The Board of Education has recently started to hear information from the boundary and feasibility...
As a dedicated kindergarten teacher, Cecily Clark has found an innovative way to teach her students...