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Canyon Crest Elementary is excited to have a wonderful addition to their media center. Max Mangum, a local boy scout, decided to grace one of the media center walls with some of his outstanding artwork.

The project started this past spring, where he spent hours at the media center painting one of the walls with the help of his friends. He named the wall “Guardians of the Library” and has depicted several popular book characters such as Harry Potter, Rapunzel, Calvin and Hobbes, the Cat in the Hat, and many more. He created the wall art by first drawing the individual characters freehand on oversized paper and then watercoloring them. He then took the originals to a print shop where they were enlarged and printed on a canvas adhesive and finally he, along with his friends, applied this canvas to the wall.

Launa Naylor, librarian at Canyon Crest Elementary, is thrilled with how the eagle project turned out and the great addition it brings to the library. She says that the children love walking into the library and pointing out their favorite book characters. They especially love that the characters serve as the “guardians of the library”.

Provo City School District would like to thank Max for all of his hard work and talent that he has brought to the Canyon Crest Elementary media center.


Kate Simpson
  • Kate Simpson