마지막 수정: 8월 20, 2024
3401 P1 School Lunch
In order to promote good health and minimize waste, schools are encouraged to provide students with a variety of food choices, to educate students about the best choices to make, and to encourage students to eat what they take.
Additionally, the amount of seat time that students have to eat lunch is an important factor for their good health and academic potential. The Center for Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National School Lunch Program all recommend that children have at least 20 minutes of seated time to eat, recognize satiety cues, and to socialize with other students.
When planning daily lunch schedules, School Administrators will plan for a minimum of 20 minutes of seated lunch time for all students as part of their master schedule. Time spent in line, washing hands, and traveling to the lunch room, etc. should not be considered as part of the recommended 20 minutes of seat time. School lunch supervisors will encourage students to use this time to align with these recommendations, and support students who may require additional time to finish their meals before or after a lunch recess period.
School Administrators should consider input from members of the School Community Council, PTA/PTO, and from school staff as they balance all of the considerations required to make a Master Schedule that includes adequate time for meals. Decisions about when to hold an optional lunchtime recess (before or after eating), and the duration of that optional recess time, are left to the School Administration.