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Sara Staker, a mother to five students who’ve attended Provo schools, didn’t build her first Thanksgiving Feast Basket knowing she would someday pioneer a tradition of city-wide service. It started, as Sara shares, as a half-cooked hope to offer one meal for a single family.



As a parent, Sara had a firsthand account of the economic discrepancies between students. So, rather than accepting that knowledge passively, she took action. After speaking to Westridge Elementary’s receptionist, Sara and the school coordinated a basket full of Thanksgiving food for a family needing a Thanksgiving Dinner.

Sara’s family gathered turkey, potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans, stuffing, rolls, cranberry jelly, a pumpkin pie with whip cream and a bottle of Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider to organize a basket to be anonymously gifted.

That year, one Westridge family in need celebrated Thanksgiving with a little more than they expected, thanks to Sara and her family.


やがてサラとその家族は、食糧不足に苦しむ家庭の子どもたちのために、週末にリュックサックいっぱいの食事を届ける団体「Five.12 Foundation」で毎週ボランティアをするようになった。サラと夫のマットは最初の年、毎週30食近くをウェストリッジ小学校に届けた。その数を知って、サラは学校の子どもたちのためにもっと何かしたいと思うようになった。 



Sara realized they could call on the Grandview community to feed even more families across Provo City School District. They added Franklin Elementary several years ago, and are now serving Dixon Middle School as well.

One of Staker’s sons created a Sign-Up-Genius web page to post requests for needed ingredients for the baskets and organize community donations. Families districtwide send food and money for the baskets so quickly that the window to contribute is typically only a day or two long before it is all filled. Sara’s family takes any leftover funds and writes checks directly to each school’s food pantry. 





The Staker family hopes that other families at other schools across Provo might feel the nudge to do something similar.

For those interested in donations, reach out to your school to see how you can donate to your pantry. Or, to donate to Dixon’s new Panther Pantry, please visit their donation page.



Spencer Tuinei
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マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア・デー-2025年1月20日休校 2025年1月20日はマーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア・デーである。

