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This week marks the opening of Preschool across Provo City School District. Hundreds of parents are walking their children into school for the first time, and the teachers and administrators are eager to receive them. 

A Real Impact

Pre-Kindergarten schooling lays the foundation for children’s life and prepares them to excel in high school, college, and beyond. An extensive body of research clearly shows the link between early childhood schooling and long-term success.

Large-scale studies like the Perry Preschool Project, the Abecedarian Project, and the Chicago Longitudinal Study, as well as other research as recently as the last decade, clearly show that high-quality preschool programs lead to better graduation rates, higher performance in reading and math, and many other benefits that impact each student’s future. 

PCSD Preschool programs provide that benefit to the families of Provo and do so in a loving, supportive environment. 

A New Journey

This week the district’s preschools have been opening their doors to brand-new students. It is delightful to see each child come through the door and take the first step into their formal education. 

Though, they might need to get a comforting hug from their parents to have the courage to do so.

Preschool Information and Schedules

For any questions you have about your preschool boundaries, as well as schedules and contact information, check out the preschools page on the district website.

Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves

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