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Provo City School District will be hosting four community meetings to discuss facility needs and financing of these needs, particularly for Timpview, the Dixon Middle School site, and some of our older elementary schools.  This is the information given at these meetings. If you would like to learn more about our facilities please join us at an upcoming meeting. 

Meeting Times and Places

  • Wednesday, May 1, 2024
    • Centennial Middle School
  • Monday, May 6, 2024
    • Dixon Middle School
  • Wednesday, May 15, 2024
    • Timpview High School
  • Thursday, May 16, 2024
    • Provo High School

Welcome and thank you from Superintendent Dau, BusinessAdministrator Devyn Dayley and theProvo City Board of Education.

Format of the Meeting

  • Discuss facility needs over the next 5-10 years
  • Discuss current construction projects and status
  • Discuss funding
  • Opportunity for questions, feedback, and ideas

We want this to be an ongoing conversation with our entire community.

Top Priorities for PCSD before 2030

  • Finish the Timpview rebuild
    • We have almost finished the current phase which was funded with the GO bond in 2021
    • We have discovered further structural issues with the rest of the building that need to be addressed for student, staff, and patron safety.
  • Determine how to use the current Dixon Middle School Site based on student and community needs; build accordingly.

Top Priorities for PCSD before 2035

  • After the boundary and feasibility study, determine the needs of our oldest buildings: Westridge (1979) and Canyon Crest (1982) Elementary Schools
  • Create greater efficiency in the use of current district office space: Grandview Technology Center Campus, Main District Office and Hillside Building

Timpview High School

  • Safety for students, staff, and patrons: PRIORITY #1
  • When the old part of the building was being prepared for demolition, we discovered several problem areas:
    • Settling of the building
    • Sinking and sliding soil
    • Structural concrete not properly reinforced
    • Roof and walls not connected
    • Fire code regulations not met
    • ADA accessibility is minimal in older parts of the building

Does it meet the needs of programs/students?

  • Enrollment has increased at Timpview
  • Administration and Counseling Offices
  • Cafeteria
  • Performing Arts Wing
  • Accessibility of I-Wing for students with disabilities

  • State Risk Requirements for insurance purposes
    • As long as we showed progress in fixing our issues, they gave us a waiver to remain on the insurance
  • Construction requirements for K-12 buildings are higher than they are for charter schools, buildings that house only adults, or private residences

Concept Mater Plan – Phasing Options

  • Option 1 – 2027 Completion by using portable trailers for performing arts and temporarily moving administration to the commons
  • Option 2 – 2029 completion by minimizing disruption through phasing and temporarily moving administration to the commons

Dixon Middle School Site

  • Feedback from Dixon community
    • Keep it a space for students and community use
    • Priority for PCSD since the middle school was moved to Shoreline
    • Community does not want this property sold to a developer nor do they want office space, even for district use

  • Current Use:
    • June 2024-January 2026: Boys and Girls Club
      • 6 classrooms, library, cafeteria, storage space
      • Stand alone HVAC units; safe for students in a specific wing of the building
    • Adult Education space still being used
    • Auditorium could be used by the community
    • Green space used by the community

  • Why can we use the building for these needs and not as a school?
    • Gymnasium: unsafe; unreinforced concrete
    •  Other portions of the building are not seismically sound; we are staying in the CTE wing which does meet minimal safety standards
    • Boiler: on its last leg and cannot be replaced
      • Classrooms that are being used are on individual heating/cooling units

How can the Dixon site meet some of our current needs?

  •  Priority that this space meets the needs of the Dixon community but also fulfills the needs of the entire district
  • Career and Technical Education Center– possible idea
    • Access to specialized programs for high school students
    • Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) location
    • Day Care/Preschool for district employees while also providing college credit for students
    • Aviation, Robotics, Engineering, Education, and Construction Programs
    • MTECH meets some of these needs

  • Adult Education Program
    • ○ English classes
    • ○ Adult High School diplomas
  • Community Education Program
  • Permanent location for East Bay Post High School

How can the Dixon site meet some of our current needs?

  • Benefits:
    • Alleviates population pressures at secondary level
    • Students would still be connected to feeder pattern for athletics and otherextracurricular activities
    • Permanent housing for CAPS
    • Expands Career and Technical Education opportunities within our district
    • Playground and green space as part of preschool and daycare
    • Still provides community resources such as Adult Education, English classes
    • Provides permanent location for East Bay Post High
  • Concerns:
    • Cost
    • Transportation and maintenance

What are the costs associated with these projects?

  • Timpview: $50 million to finish the remaining areas (Administration, Counseling, Cafeteria, Performing Arts Wing, CTE Wing)
  • Dixon Site: $30-$100 million
    • Depends on funding, size and purpose

How do we pay for these projects?

School District Finance

Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU): $4494 for FY25

  • Created to normalize funding throughout the state
    • Minimum school program
    • Districts required to tax a minimum percentage to provide local support to the K-12 funding (amount set by state)
    • Uniform School Fund – Primarily funded with personal income tax
      • K-12, Special Education, CTE, Professional Staff, At-Risk (moved in the last few years)
  • Other Minimum School Program (related programs)

Graph of school district finance based on enrollment.

Why is there a shift in enrollment?

  • Reduction in eschool
  • Declining enrollment at elementary level statewide
  • Increasing enrollment at our high schools– also pushing the need to finish Timpview and find a space for Career and Technical Education opportunities
  • Boundary and Feasibility Study will be started to provide more equitable resources across the district

Other Sources of Revenue 

Local Revenue:

  • Property Taxes (75% of total local revenue)
  • Only source of ongoing operating revenue that the district has the ability to raise when needed
  • How do we increase this revenue and how do we use it?
  • Interest (8%)
  • Child Nutrition Sales (1%)
  • Other Local revenue (16%)
  • Indirect (federal and state grants)
  • School fees
  • Field trips
  • Other revenue

What do our property taxes pay for?

  • Physical facilities
    •  Timpview
    • Shoreline
    • Wasatch
  • Retaining Employees
    • Competitive salaries with surrounding districts
    • Significant study on positions at schools/district

Current Construction Expenditures

  • How are we paying for Timpview, Shoreline, and Wasatch?
    •  2019 Bond Revenue Information
      • This bond failed: $245 million
    • 2021 Bond $70 million
      • Rebuild the most critical areas of Timpview
    • August 2022 Truth & Taxation for a municipal building authority bond
      • Wasatch
      • Shoreline
      • Teacher Retention
  • Cost increases

How can we pay for Timpview and Dixon Sites

General Obligation (GO) Bonds

  • Lower interest rate (more competitive sale)
  • Paid back through tax revenue levied in the Debt Service Fund
  • Approved by voters

Municipal Building Authority (MBA) Bonds

  • Higher interest rate
  • Payments come out of existing revenues (or increased property tax rates
  • Authorized by the governing board (school board)
  • Limits ongoing capital projects

Bond Limitations – MBA Bonds

  • Senate Bill 86 – Limits LBA/MBA debt to $200,000,000 over a three-year period.


  • Bond for Timpview and Dixon projects over 4 -5 years 
    • 4 year construction of Timpview
    • Dixon site plan completed by Year 5
    • Waterfall bond
      • No significant property tax increase because one bond falls off in 2027
      • Currently our property tax rate is .007333, which is approximately $2016 on a $500,000 home.
      • Bond would mean property tax would stay relatively flat, unless your property value increases.

Question and Feedback Norms

  • State name and elementary school boundary where you live
  • Respectful language; civil discourse
  • 3-minute limit
  • Feedback: Submit a question on the main page of our website or use QR Code
  • Provide Feedback or Ask a Question Here

Thank You & Next Steps

  • Feedback from our entire Provo community
    • Submit questions
    • Create FAQ sheet on our website
  • Further informational meetings
  • Town halls with board members and district leadership
  • Tours of sites (Timpview in particular)
  • What other information would help our community? What are the best ways to share this information and solicit feedback?
Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger