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Total Existing Long Term Debt

Year Ending (June 30) Principal Interest Total Long-Term Debt
2025 13,253,096 8,487,760 21,740,856
2026 20,747,000 7,881,968 28,628,968
2027 14,100,000 7,139,835 21,239,835
2028 12,965,000 6,569,685 19,534,685
2029 13,480,000 6,045,710 19,525,710
2030-2034 76,475,000 21,227,050 97,702,050
2035-2039 63,605,000 8,809,953 72,414,953
2040-2042 30,260,000 1,533,100 31,793,100
Total $244,885,096 67,695,060 $312,580,156

Total Long Term Debt with New Lease Revenue Bond

Year Ending (June 30) Principal Interest Total Long-Term Debt
2025 13,253,096 8,487,760 21,740,856
2026 20,747,000 10,506,968 31,253,968
2027 14,100,000 9,764,835 23,864,835
2028 15,377,347 9,194,685 24,572,032
2029 15,982,810 8,580,247 24,563,057
2030-2034 90,469,281 32,419,503 122,688,784
2035-2039 80,427,522 17,174,165 97,601,687
2040-2044 50,482,351 6,497,483 56,979,834
2045-2047 14,045,690 1,066,351 15,112,041
Total $314,885,097 103,691,996 $418,577,093

General Obligation Bonds

General obligation (GO) bonds are a way for Utah school districts to raise money for construction and improvements. Voters must approve the bonds in a November general election. 

Series Purpose Original Amount Interest Rate Range Final Maturity Date Current Outstanding Balance
2015 Series G.O. Bonds Provo High, Edgemont, Sunset View, Provost, Rock Canyon $50,615,000 2.25% to 5% June 15, 2035 $32,350,000
2016 Series G.O. Bonds Provo High, Edgemont, Sunset View, Provost, Rock Canyon $50,650,000 2.00% to 5% June 15, 2036 $36,300,000
2021 Series G.O. Bonds Timpview High School $73,670,000 1.75% to 5% June 15, 2041 $69,820,000
2021B Series G.O. Bonds Bond Refunding 2021B (refunding) – was originally voted on in 2006 – Centennial major remodel, Timpanogos, Lakeview  $22,790,000 2.13% to 5% June 15, 2027 $5,885,000
Total $144,355,000

Lease Revenue Bonds

Lease Revenue Bonds allow school districts to address facility needs. Lease Revenue Bonds are approved by the board of education, convened as a Municipal Building Authority.

Series Purpose Original Amount Interest Rate Range Final Maturity Date Current Outstanding Balance
2010 MBA Lease Revenue Bonds Provo Peaks $6,462,000 1.23% June 15, 2026 $6,462,000
2022 MBA Lease Revenue Bonds Shoreline and Wasatch $100,355,000 3.00% to 5.00% March 15, 2042 $94,055,000
Total $100,517,000

Tax Implications 

Year Existing Debt (Per 100,000 residential valuation) With Additional Lease Revenue Bond Debt (Per 100,000 residential valuation)
2025 123.13 123.13
2026 125.58 128.57
2027 117.87 126.37
2028 108.41 134.90
2029 108.36 136.32
2030 108.45 136.41
2031 108.50 136.46
2032 108.35 136.30
2033 108.47 136.42
2034 108.44 136.40
2035 108.41 136.36
2036 88.87 116.83
2037 68.21 96.17
2038 68.19 96.15
2039 68.19 96.15
2040 68.20 96.16
2041 68.20 96.15
2042 40.04 68.00
2043 27.96
2044 27.96
2045 27.96
2046 27.96
2047 27.96
Eliza Tuinei
  • Eliza Tuinei