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At the November 12, 2024 School Board meeting, the district provided updates on construction progress at Wasatch Elementary and Timpview High School. 

Watch the PCSD Board Study Session meeting for a more comprehensive review of the construction projects in our district.

The following is an overview of the updates provided.

Wasatch Elementary

Wasatch Elementary is nearing completion, with the building on track to welcome students in January 2025. Here are the highlights of the construction update:

  • Permanent Power Installed:

    • Electrical systems are fully functional throughout the building.
  • Southside Landscaping:

    • Midway through completion, adding aesthetic and practical enhancements to the school’s exterior.
  • Retaining Walls:

    • All retaining walls are up, reinforcing the structure and surrounding areas.
  • Interior Progress:

    • Carpets have been installed.
    • All hardware is installed, and the millwork has been delivered.
      • Countertops on the first two floors are complete, while the third floor remains in progress.
    • The building is acclimated and on track for January occupancy.
  • Furniture and Moving Plans:

    • New furniture will arrive around Christmas.
    • Staff will continue to deliver third and fourth-term teacher materials from now until the moving date.
    • Miscellaneous items like printers and supplies will be moved on January 6.
    • Teachers will move into their classrooms on January 10 with the aid of professional movers, with early-out schedules on January 8 and 9 to facilitate preparation.
    • January 13 and 14 will be online learning days, allowing teachers to finalize setup.
      • Expect more details on what the online learning days will look like in January.
      • We remind families that the Board and Faculty are amidst conversations to ensure that said online learning days are valuable learning experiences for our students.
    • Students will arrive for in-person classes on January 15.
  • Transition and Open House:

    • Surplus sales for the public will take place in January, and an informally guided tour of the current building will be offered.
      • Expect more information, including a time and date, for a Wasatch Elementary surplus sale. Dates for an open house at the new facility are under discussion.  

Timpview High School

Significant progress has been made at Timpview High, with construction remaining on schedule and the subsequent phases of work carefully planned.

  • Softball Field and Landscaping:

    • Sod and landscaping on the softball field are complete, ensuring the field will be ready for spring.
    • Work on the concrete pit near the field is ongoing and nearly complete, according to the visiting contractor.
  • Mechanical and Structural Work:

    • The mechanical area’s roof deck is in place, and flooring materials are staged and acclimating for installation.
      • We remind readers that the commons area remain closed to students due to Fire Marshal regulations requiring adequate air movement, which will only be possible once Westland Construction completes construction on the mechanical room.
      • Westland Construction is targeting February 2024 to reopen the commons, with mechanical work progressing and flooring issues resolved; current construction is on schedule for a firm February commons opening date.
  • Cafeteria and Upcoming Construction Phase 

    • Cafeteria plans are finalized, and bids for construction and kitchen equipment will close on November 27.
      • Several contractors have expressed interest, and costs will be evaluated after the bid process.
    • Upcoming Phase Planning:
      • The following construction phase, including cafeteria and kitchen upgrades, awaits final approval after contractor review.
      • This phase includes mechanical improvements, such as air handlers and freezer power installations.
  • Funding and Bonds:

    • The Board is evaluating Municipal Building Authority (MBA) and General Obligation (GO) bonds for future phases.
      • Expect more information on all bidding options during continued board meetings.
        • The Board emphasized the importance of balancing Timpview construction with Dixon property bonds, prioritizing safety and security at Timpview while maintaining equitability across the district, particularly in caring for Dixon Middle School and our Dixon community, discussing MBA bonds for both Timpview High School and Dixon Middle School, respectively.
        • Expect continued conversations and feedback meetings regarding the Dixon Site in the upcoming months.

For a more in-depth review of construction updates, watch the PCSD Board Study Session meeting at the top of the article or follow us on Instagram and Facebook at @provocityschooldistrict.

Spencer Tuinei
  • Communication Specialist
  • Spencer Tuinei

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