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Lost Chromebook

Cycle Year 1 – purchased within the last 12 months – full replacement $300

Cycle Year 2 – purchased between 13 and 24 months – $225

Cycle Year 3 – purchased between 25 and 36 months – $150

Cycle Year 4+ – purchased between 37 and 48 months – $75

Lost Charging Cords – $30 – any point in the cycles

Damages (variable)

School Equipment Loss

Either the tech or the secretary is notified when a possible loss has occurred. 

  • Determine whether loss is real 
  • Tech department marks the device missing – notifies financial secretary who will enter a fine based on tech department information 
    • Tech department will provide student ID, name, serial number, cycle year and details on loss to financial secretary 
    • Financial secretary will enter fine based on information from tech department (include serial number on description of fine)
    • Parents/students will pay fine at the school before replacement equipment is issued – receipt for lost equipment will be given to parent with a copy sent to the tech department 
    • If it is determined that the school will be paying for the loss, the secretary will enter a credit memo in Linq Fees and provide a copy of the receipt to the Tech Department and a journal entry request to Business Services. Refunds for fines will be given to students or schools who have paid a fine for a lost or stolen device if the device is turned in within 30 days of reported loss. Any exceptions must be approved by Tech Department Director.

Students who transfer to other schools and have lost their equipment will be given loaner equipment until the fine has been paid at the new school.

Loaner equipment will be provided to secondary schools at a limited quantity. Regular distribution of devices at elementary schools will be based on school population. This equipment is to be collected at the end of each day. Schools will be responsible to replace lost loaner equipment or equipment provided to the schools on the normal distribution process. Cycle year replacement value will be used. Schools who locate lost devices will provide information to the Tech Department to keep documentation correct. Tech Department will provide information to Business Services for journal entries on at least a semi-annual basis.

Students who unenroll from District schools will be required to turn in checked out equipment at time of check-out. Any lost equipment will be assessed a fine based on cycle year and statements will be sent by financial secretaries if fine is not paid at time of unenrollment.

  • Schools will include equipment return as part of the check-out process. Fines will be assessed at time of checkout unless equipment is returned. 
  • Students who unenroll from school without equipment check-in will have a fine issued by the school secretary after receiving information from the tech department.
  • Schools will send statements for fines at least twice before accounts are sent to collections.


Normal Wear and Tear – repairs that are not caused by user neglect will be classified as normal repairs and will be covered by in-house warranty

Neglect or Willful/Malicious Damage – damages caused by users that are not normal wear and tear will be assessed a fine. The minimum fine is $30 up to the cost of the repairs or replacement value (at Cycle Year replacement) of the equipment.

  • Tech department will provide student ID, name, amount and details on damage to financial secretary 
  • Financial secretary will enter fine based on information from tech department (include damage description of fine) Students will be provided with a loaner device when repair is initiated. Original device will be returned to student when repair is completed. 
  • If it is determined that the school will be paying for the damage, the secretary will enter a credit memo in Linq Fees and a journal entry request to Business Services.

Damages caused by neglect or willful behavior to loaner equipment at the schools will be charged to the school account. Journal entries will be initiated by the Tech Department at least semi-annually.

Caleb Price
  • Director of Communications
  • Caleb Price

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