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The next school board meeting will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, September 12, 2023. The study session will begin at 4:40 p.m. and the business meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. 

Both meetings will be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below).  The meetings are open to the public.  


A. 3:45pm Closed Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Potential Litigation, Personnel, and Real Estate. UT Code 52.4.205

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene

B. 4:40pm Study Session

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Board Handbook Training: Rebecca Nielsen, Board President (4:42pm, 3 min)
  5. Out of State Student Travel: Superintendent Wendy Dau (4:45pm, 5 min)
  6. Social Media Lawsuit: Business Administrator Derek Anderson and Joel D. Wright (4:50pm, 15 min)
  7. Altria Lawsuit: Business Administrator Derek Anderson and Joel D. Wright (5:05pm, 15 min)
  8. Noorda RDA/TIF: Derek Anderson, Business Administrator, Keith Morey, Provo City Asst. Dir. of Dev. Services (5:20pm, 10 min)
  9. Kaufusi’s Keikis: Schyler Richards, Noorda College (5:30pm, 10 min)
  10. Construction Update: Business Administrator Derek Anderson (5:40pm, 5 min)
  11. Large Purchase Request: Business Administrator Derek Anderson (5:45pm, 5 min)
  12. Safety & Security Update: Jason Garrison, Director Student Services (5:50pm, 15 min)
  13. Special Education Compliance Findings: Suraj Syal, Director of Special Education (6:05pm, 10 min)
  14. Policy Review: Superintendent Wendy Dau (6:15pm, 10 min)
  15. University of Utah MOU: Superintendent Wendy Dau (6:25pm, 5 min)
  16. Strategic Plan Update: Superintendent Wendy Dau (6:30pm, 5 min)
  17. Graduation Dates and Locations: Darrell Jensen, Asst. Supt. Secondary Ed. (6:35pm, 5 min)
  18. Consent Calendar Review and Questions: Pres. Rebecca Nielsen (6:40pm, 5 min)
  19. Upcoming Google Calendar Items: President Rebecca Nielsen (6:45pm, 5 min)
  20. Motion to Adjourn

C. 7:00pm Business Meeting

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Opening Remarks: Jennifer Partridge
  5. Pledge of Allegiance:

D. Community Connections

  1. Employee Recognition: Provo Way Awards, Jason Cox Deputy Superintendent
  2. Public Input

E. Business Items

  1. Consideration to Approve Out of State Student Travel
  2. Consideration to Approve Signing of Altria Agreement
  3. Consideration to Approve Special Education Policy Updates
  4. Consideration to approve Policy 5300 Updates
  5. Consideration to Approve Policy 5400 Updates
  6. Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request (EISP Software, Lexia)

F. Consent Calendar

  1. Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar 8.8.23
  2. Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar 8.22.23
  3. Personnel Report as Part of the Consent Calendar
  4. Home School, School Choice, eSchool Report as Part of the Consent Calendar
  5. Financial Reports as Part of the Consent Calendar
  6. Approve the Consent Calendar

G. Student Board Member Report

  1. Student Board Member Report

H. Board Member Report

  1. Board Member Report: Lisa Boyce

I. Business Administrator’s Report

  1. Business Administrator’s Report

J. Superintendent’s Report

  1. Approved Student Travel
  2. Miscellaneous Items

K. Adjourn

  1. Adjourn
Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves

Bills and Resolutions for the 2025 General Session  HB0040: School Safety...
