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The next school board meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14. The study session will begin at 5:00 p.m. and be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below). The meeting is open to the public. 

3:00pm Closed Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Litigation, Real Estate, and/or Security.

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene Study Session
  4. Motion to Convene Closed Executive Session

5:00pm Study Session

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Board Handbook Training: Member Melanie Hall (5 min)
  5. Policy Review: Superintendent Wendy Dau (40 min)
  6. Budget First Reading: Devyn Dayley, Business Administrator (30 min)
  7. Chromebook Update (10 min)
  8. Google Changeover Update (10 min)
  9. Land Trust Plan Amendment: Provo Peaks, Jarod Sites Assistant Superintendent Elementary Education (3 min)
  10. Consent Calendar Review and Questions: Pres. Rebecca Nielsen
  11. Upcoming Board Calendar Items: President Rebecca Nielsen
  12. Motion to Adjourn

7:00pm Business Meeting

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Opening Remarks: President Rebecca Nielsen
  5. Pledge of Allegiance: Darrell Jensen, Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education

Community Connections

  1. Recognize Current Student Board Members
  2. Announce New Student Board Members
  3. Employee Recognition: Administrative, Counseling, Professional and Technical Employees of the Year
  4. Employee Recognition: ESP Employees of the Year
  5. Employee Recognition: Educators in Highly Impacted Schools Awards
  6. Employee Recognition: Educator Awards
  7. Public Input

Business Items

  1. Consideration to Approve Micromobility Policy
  2. Consideration to Approve Provo Peaks Land Trust Plan Amendment

Consent Calendar

  1. Board Minutes 4.16.24 as Part of the Consent Calendar
  2. Board Minutes Joint Meeting 4.25.24 as Part of the Consent Calendar
  3. Board Meeting Minutes 4.30.24 as Part of the Consent Calendar
  4. Personnel Report as Part of the Consent Calendar
  5. Home School, School Choice, eSchool Report as Part of the Consent Calendar
  6. Financial Reports as Part of the Consent Calendar
  7. Approve the Consent Calendar

Student Board Member Report

  1. Student Board Member Report

Business Administrator Report

  1. Business Administrator’s Report

Board Member Roundtable

  1. Reports on Board Member Assignments

Superintendent’s Report

  1. Approved Student Travel
  2. Miscellaneous Items


  1. Adjourn
Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves

Bills and Resolutions for the 2025 General Session  HB0040: School Safety...
