The next school board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28. The study session will begin at 5:15 p.m. and be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below). The business meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Both meetings are open to the public and public comment is accepted during the business meeting.
Purpose of Discussing the Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual, Collective Bargaining, and Deployment of Security Personnel, Devices or Systems. UT Code 52.4.205
5:15 p.m. Study Session
Welcome: President Jennifer Partridge
Roll Call
Motion to Convene
Board Handbook Training: Member Teri McCabe (5:17 p.m., 3 min)
Land Trust Plan Amendment: Canyon Crest, Jarod Sites Assistant Superintendent Elementary Ed (5:20 p.m., 5 min)
Merit Pay: Superintendent Wendy Dau (5:25 p.m., 10 min)
Policy Review Updates and Second Readings 1100, 1200, 1430, 6023: Superintendent Dau (5:35 p.m., 10 min)
Lease Revenue Bonds and Future Public Hearings Relating to the Lease Revenue Bonds: Business Administrator Devyn Dayley (5:45 p.m., 10 min)
Learn Platform: Superintendent Wendy Dau (5:50 p.m., 5 min)
Motion to Adjourn
6:00 p.m. Business Meeting
Welcome: President Jennifer Partridge
Roll Call
Motion to Convene
Pledge of Allegiance: Jarod Sites, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education
Community Connections
Public Input
Convene as Provo City School District Building Authority
Convene as Provo City School District Building Authority
Resolution expressing intent to issue lease revenue bonds and hold a public hearing relating to the lease revenue bonds
Adjourn as Provo City School District Building Authority
Business Items
Policy 1100 Board Member Elections and Reapportionment