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The next school board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14. The study session will begin at 4:10 p.m. and be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below). The business meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Both meetings are open to the public and public comment is accepted during the business meeting.


4:10 pm Study Session

  1. Welcome: Vice President Jennifer Partridge
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Board Handbook Training: Member Gina Hales (4:12 pm, 3 min)
  5. Leadership Discussion: Vice President Jennifer Partridge (4:15 pm, 15 min)
  6. Board Committee & Graduation Speaking Assignments: Vice President Jennifer Partridge (4:30 pm, 15 min)
  7. Graduation Rate Update: Superintendent Dau (4:45 pm, 10 min)
  8. Board Meeting Schedule: Vice President Jennifer Partridge (4:55 pm, 5 min)
  9. Board Meeting Data Schedule: Superintendent Dau (5:00 pm, 10 min)
  10. Policy Review 2nd Readings Open Enrollment, Student Residency, Assessment and State Testing, Electronic Device: Superintendent Wendy Dau (5:10 pm, 10 min)
  11. Policy Review First Readings, Safe Routes, Space Available Busing and Hazardous Routes; 1430; 1100; 1200: Superintendent Dau (5:20 pm, 30 min)
  12. Wasatch Update: Business Administrator Devyn Dayley (5:50 pm, 5 min)
  13. Utah Fits All Scholarship Update: Superintendent Dau (5:55 pm, 15 min)
  14. Large Purchase Request, RFP for Provo High Elevate Grant, Computer Labs, Centennial Art & Pottery rooms cabinetry, Canyon Crest playground, PHS and THS tennis court refinishing: Business Administrator Devyn Dayley (6:10 pm, 5 min)
  15. Calendar Changes for 2025-2026: Deputy Superintendent Jason Cox (6:15 pm, 5 min)
  16. Health Education Curriculum Review Committee: Teaching and Learning (6:20 pm, 5 min)
  17. Municipal Building Authority Discussion (6:25 pm, 15 min)
  18. Consent Calendar Review and Questions
  19. Upcoming Board Calendar Items
  20. Motion to Adjourn

7:00 pm Business Meeting

  1. Welcome: Vice President Jennifer Partridge
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Pledge of Allegiance: Darrell Jensen, Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education
  5. Oath of Office for Elected Board Members and Election of Board Leadership
  6. Nominations for Board President
  7. Nominations for Board Vice President

Community Connections

  1. Employee Recognition Provo Way Awards: Deputy Superintendent Jason Cox
  2. School Report: Slate Mountain Campuses
  3. Public Input

Business Items

  1. Board Meeting Schedule
  2. Policy 3118 Open Enrollment
  3. Policy 3160 Student Residency
  4. Policy 4400 Assessment and State Testing
  5. Policy 4200 Electronic Device Restrictions
  6. Large Purchase Request: RFP for Provo High Elevate Grant
  7. Large Purchase Request: Timpview High CTE Computer Lab
  8. Large Purchase Request: Provo High CTE Computer lab
  9. Large Purchase Request: Provo High Tennis Court Refinishing
  10. Large Purchase Request: Timpview High Tennis Court Refinishing
  11. Large Purchase Request: Canyon Crest Kindergarten Playground
  12. Large Purchase Request: Centennial Art and Pottery Cabinets
  13. Calendar Changes for 2025-2026
  14. Health Education Curriculum Review Committee

Consent Calendar

  1. Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar
  2. Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar
  3. Personnel Report as Part of the Consent Calendar
  4. Home School, School Choice, eSchool Report as Part of the Consent Calendar
  5. Financial Reports as Part of the Consent Calendar
  6. Approve the Consent Calendar

Student Board Member Report

  1. Student Board Member Report

Business Administrator Report

  1. Business Administrator’s Report

Board Member Roundtable

  1. Reports on Board Member Assignments

Superintendent’s Report

  1. Approved Student Travel
  2. Miscellaneous Items


  1. Adjourn
Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves