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The next school board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 30. The study session will begin at 3:00 p.m. and be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below). The meeting is open to the public. 


A. 3:00pm Study Session

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Board Handbook Training: Member Teri McCabe (3:02pm, 3 min)
  5. Construction Update (3:05pm, 10 min)
  6. Camp Big Springs Update, Director Kyle Bates (3:15pm, 10 min)
  7. Policy Review: Business Administrator Devyn Dayley (3:35pm, 5 min)
  8. Motion to Adjourn and Convene a Closed Executive Session

B. 3:45pm Closed Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Procurement and Negotiations. UT Code 52.4.205

C. 4:15pm Study Session

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Assessment Proposal, NWEA: Directors Nate Mitchell and Michelle Eldredge (4:17pm, 28 min)
  5. First Reading of Amended DEI Statement: Member Gina Hales (4:45pm, 15 min)
  6. Strategic Planing Session (5:00pm, 1 hour)
  7. Budget Discussion (6:00pm, 30 min)
  8. Boundary Study (6:30pm, 15 min)
  9. School Land Trust Plans and SIPs: Assistant Superintendents Jarod Sites and Darrell Jensen (6:45, 5 min)

D. 7:00pm Business Meeting

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Pledge of Allegiance:

E. Community Connections

  1. Public Input

F. Business Items

  1. Consideration to Approve School Land Trust and School Improvement Plans
  2. Consideration to Approve Policy regarding Time and Effort
  3. Consideration to Approve Policy regarding Fixed Asset
  4. Consideration to Approve Boundary Study Heather Lane
  5. Consideration to Approve Osprey Towns Park Boundary Study
  6. Consideration to Approve a Districtwide Boundary Study

G. Adjourn

  1. Adjourn
Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves

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