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The next school board meeting will be held tomorrow, Friday, September 29 The study session will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the business meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. 

Both meetings will be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below).  The meetings are open to the public.  

Study Session 8:30 am YouTube  Business Meeting 1 pm YouTube 


A. 8:30 am Morning Study Session

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Board Handbook Training: Vice President Jennifer Partridge (8:30 am, 5 min)
  5. Accountability Updates: Superintendent Wendy Dau and Teaching and Learning Department (8:35 am, 30 min)
  6. FTE Structure: (9:05 am, 30 min)
  7. Title I: Superintendent Wendy Dau and Title I Director Michelle Eldredge (9:35 am, 30 min)
  8. Strategic Plan Update: Superintendent Wendy Dau (10:05, 15 min)
  9. Break 10 minutes (10:20 – 10:30 am)
  10. DLI Discussion: Derek Anderson, Business Administrator, and Superintendent Wendy Dau (10:30 am, 1 hour)
  11. Revisiting School Start Times: School and Board Leadership (11:30 am, 20 min)
  12. School Fees with Respect to Travel Policy Update: (11:50 am, 20 min)
  13. Tax Strategy: Derek Anderson, Business Administrator (12:10 pm, 20 min)
  14. Large Purchase Request: Derek Anderson, Business Administrator (12:30 pm, 5 min)
  15. Motion to Adjourn for Lunch

B. Lunch (12:35 pm, 25 min)

  1. Lunch 12:35 pm – 1:00 pm

C. Business Meeting 1:00 pm

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request – Road base
  5. Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request – Timpview
  6. Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request – Fencing
  7. Motion to Adjourn

D. 1:15pm Closed Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Real Estate, Character, Competence, and or Health of an Individual

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene Study Session
  4. Motion to Convene Closed Executive Session
  5. Real Estate (1 hour)
  6. Discussion of the Character, Competence, and or Health of an Individual (30 min)

E. Adjourn

  1. Motion to Adjourn
Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves

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