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#BehindTheMask of this Superhero is our very own health clerk Tessa Edwards.

Tessa has been a health clerk at Lakeview Elementary for the past five years where she manages a bustling health room and tends to sick or injured children.

One co-worker shared, “During Tessa’s first year, she had 13 students break a bone! Luckily, that hasn’t happened again, but if it did, she would be the one to handle it.”

Principal Barker added, “Tessa always remains calm no matter the situation. Her easy-going personality puts children at ease. I appreciate that she is willing to do whatever needs to be done and recognize her hard work.”

Tessa is trusted by the students and staff and is known as being consistent, knowledgeable, and kind.

A fellow employee added, “With Tessa, students know they will be cared for in moments of extreme stress or pain. She’s the person you want beside you while facing a stressful situation. I believe her superpower is the ability to remain calm and respond instead of reacting. She is great at evaluating the moment. I really admire that.”

Thank you, Tessa, for creating a safe haven for our students and staff.

Your superpowers (positivity, drive, enthusiasm, and ability to remain calm in stressful situations) truly make a difference!

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger