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From Amelia:  “As soon as we saw posts of other schools throughout the country putting on parades for their students, we knew we had to make this happen. Our theme this school year has been ‘Amelia Earhart Has High Hopes’. During these unique and challenging times, we wanted to share our love and support to our school community and help them to continue to have ‘HIgh Hopes’  for the future.  All the faculty and staff rallied together to make this parade a beautiful moment to connect and heal as a school community.  We love our teachers, staft, students and families and are grateful for the opportunity to share the special experience with them.”  

This message is from an Amelia parent: “I was touched as we saw the parade pass by. It warmed my heart to see the cars pass and the smiles on everyone’s faces! Thank you for effort. It truly lightened my heart as well as gave me an outlet for other emotions I hadn’t realized were even there.  Tears came to my eyes as I realized the courage it takes to carry on when we sometimes would rather not, to stand and wave and cheer acknowledging the challenge that is before us and how we have succeeded thus far, to give us a space and time to celebrate our community and friendships and to know that we are not alone.”

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger