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Study Session

Board Handbook Training: 1:12

Board Member Handbook Training Presentation

Construction Update: 5:00 

Shoreline: 6:00

  • It is open and welcomed students for the first day, August 13, 2024
  • Lots of progress in the last couple of weeks
  • Learning stairway and graphics on walls ongoing
  • They will still work on all the final finishing touches over the next 2-4 months

Timpview: 13:41

  • Progress continues
  • Stadium box is in; the bleachers and concessions building are all ready for games
  • Discussed some concerns with under bleacher storage area, secure vestibule
  • Some more parking for staff only should open up by the end of September, beginning of October
  • New gym should be open by mid to late February.

Wasatch: 29:40

  • Progress continues; masonry will be done this week
  • Discussed some concerns about walking paths/sidewalks on Oakmount and students walking close to the street.
  • The pre-construction costs discussed will be voted on later in the business meeting

Discussion Information

Policy Review, Cell Phone Policy: 58:37

  • Should have survey results and other work done in time to discuss at the all-day Board Meeting in September
  • The plan is to have a policy draft for presentation ready in October.

Presentation for Items 7 – 12

Policy Review, Updated Sensitive Materials: 1:09:32

  • Updates to comply with new legislation covers all classroom content, not just library materials

Policy Review, Electronic Meeting Procedures: 1:15:37

  • Updates to comply with new legislation requirements

Policy Review, Disclosures and Financial Conflicts of Interest: 1:21:59

  • Updates to comply with new legislation requirements

Policy Review, Student Surveys:  1:25:23

  • Updates to comply with new legislation requirements

Policy Review, Kindergarten Readiness: 1:34:02

  • Updates to comply with new legislation requirements

Policy Review, Kindergarten Half-Day: 1:39:51

  • Updates to comply with new legislation requirements

UELP Plan, Continuous School Improvement 1:45:21

  • Utah Early Learning Plan (UELP) Laws have changed slightly,
  • Annual requirement
  • This plan follows state requirements

Boundary and Feasibility Study Recommendation: 1:57:25

  • The top two options, MGT and GIS, for vendors to implement the boundary and feasibility study
  • Will be a large purchase request in the August 27th meeting
  • Move forward with MGT vendor, more experience in Utah

Large Purchase Request: Parking Lot Structural Infill THS: 01:58:52

  • Additional dirt for the parking lot to decrease the asphalt layer
  • It will decrease the cost of demolition when more construction happens, but it will also last a little longer and have less water pooling in the parking lot
  • It is already done, so construction time wouldn’t be impacted
  • Still comes out of money slated for THS

Large Purchase Request: Pre-construction Cost for Wasatch: 2:01:23

  • Already discussed in the construction update
  • The construction company is asking for funds to cover the extra time and effort they have put into this project

Dixon Site and Potential CTE Offerings: 2:02:35

Audio Part 1 ends at 02:04:14, continued in Part 2 Timestamp 00:00

  • Discussion about possible usage of Dixon site for more CTE offerings
  • Question and Answer sheet
  • MTECH has three different locations, so having more offerings closer would give the district control over the times of classes and help more kids attend without such long travel or as much missed time in other school classes and activities
  • Discussed options, possibility of visiting other sites in the state

Move the following two items to business meeting (Part 2 Audio Timestamp 12:49)

 Consent Calendar Review and Questions

Upcoming Board Calendar Items

Motion to Adjourn 

Business Meeting 

Opening Remarks: 00.58

A Blessing for the School Year:

  • May the road rise up to meet us, May the wind be always at our backs, May the sun shine warm upon our faces, And the rain fall soft upon our fields. May our hearts be filled with kindness, And our minds with the light of knowledge, May we embrace each day with curiosity and joy, And find strength in every challenge we face. Bless our teachers with patience and wisdom, And our students with eagerness to learn, May we work together in harmony and respect, And build a community of care and support. May we strive for excellence in all we do, And may this year be filled with growth and grace, Guided by the spirit of friendship and understanding, As we embark on this journey together. So, best of Luck and have a wonderful year ahead!

Pledge of Allegiance: 2:22

Community Connections Discussion, Information

School Report: Adult Education: 2:58

Public Input: 16:38

  • None

Consent Calendar Review and Questions: 16:48

  • The consent calendar allows items that need to be approved monthly to be done in a timely manner. The board asks questions as needed, and district administration gets answers to them as quickly as possible

Upcoming Board Calendar Items: 23:57

  • First Day of School Today, Wednesday, August 13th 2024
  • Study Session & Business Mtg. Tuesday, August 27th 2024 Study Session, 7pm Business Meeting District Office
  • Study Session & Business Mtg. Tuesday, September 10th 2024 Study Session, 7pm Business Meeting District Office
  • All Day Board Meetings Friday, September 27th 2024 8:00am – 5:00pm

Business Items 

Consideration to Approve Policy, Electronic Meetings: 24:36

  • Motion to approve Policy 1420 as discussed in study’s study session.

Consideration to Approve Policy, Disclosures and Financial Conflicts of Interest: 26:26

  • Motion to approve Policy 1630 as discussed [with any changes made] in today’s study session.

Consideration to Approve Policy, Student Surveys: 27:28

  • Motion to table policy 7140 for now

Consideration to Approve Policy, Kindergarten Readiness: 28:37

  • Motion to approve policy 3170 as discussed, with the change that the title be Kindergarten Toilet Training made in today’s study session

Consideration to Approve Policy, Kindergarten Half Day: 29:54

  • Motion to approve policy 3005 as discussed in today’s study session

Consideration to Approve UELP Plan: 30:50

  • Motion to approve the Utah Early Learning Plan as discussed in today’s study session

Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request, THS Parking Lot: 32:16

  • Motion to approve the large purchase request in the amount of $306,154 for work THS parking lot structural infill.

Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request, Pre-Construction Cost for Wasatch: 33:19

  • Motion to approve the large purchase request in the amount of $75,000 for the pre-construction costs for Hogan

Consent Calendar: 34:27

Action (Consent), Minutes: 1. 6.11.24 Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar Resolution:

  • Motion to approve the items on the Consent Calendar

Action (Consent), Minutes: 2. 6.20.24 Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar Resolution:

  • Motion to approve the items on the consent calendar

Action (Consent), Minutes: 3. 6.25.24 Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar Resolution: 

  • Motion to approve the items on the Consent Calendar

Action (Consent), Minutes: 4. 7.29.24 Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar Resolution:

  • Motion to approve the items on the Consent Calendar

Action (Consent), Personnel Report as Part of the Consent Calendar Resolution: 

  • Motion to approve the items on the Consent Calendar

Action (Consent), Home School, School Choice, eSchool Report as Part of the Consent Calendar Resolution: 

  • Motion to approve the items on the Consent Calendar.

Action (Consent), Financial Reports as Part of the Consent Calendar Resolution: 

  • Motion to approve the items on the Consent Calendar

Action (Consent), Approve the Consent Calendar Resolution: 34:27

  • Motion to approve the items on the Consent Calendar.

Business Administrator Report: 35:00  

  • Highlighted maintenance department. They worked on many things this summer to get ready for the school year

Board Member Roundtable: 37:02

Reports on Board Member Assignments Summary:

  • Updates to board handbook, send suggestions to Board Member Melanie Hall
  • Student Board Members, first meeting tonight
  • Cell Phone Policy
  • Policy committee USBA Legislator day in classrooms, last week of September, working on declaration to make this an official, Fall Regional meeting Sept 25th
  • NSBA, Sept 4th registration opens
  • Foundation Golf Tournament Sept 26th
  • Safety Committee, tour of Shoreline Middle School for fire and police was held before school started

Superintendent’s Report: 44:40

Approved Student Travel:

  • Some PHS and THS travel for the year has been approved

Miscellaneous Items

  • Excited for the start of school, great day today

Adjourn: 47:30

  • Motion to adjourn the Business Meeting.
Connie Carlton
  • Connie Carlton