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Each year we celebrate outstanding teachers from each school and honor them at Board Meeting. These teachers are paragons of compassionate advocacy, teaching with high love and high expectations for students.

We thank these teachers for their hard work and the examples they set for our students. Here are our Teachers of the Year:

Adult Education – Gina Aguirre

Gina has demonstrated the ability to inspire students and colleagues to become better learners and teachers. Her students see her as their friend and mentor as she guides them through language acquisition. She has great empathy for her students as she has been in their shoes. We applaud her diligence in taking care of the one and find that many of her former students seek her for advice and encouragement.

Alternative Programs – Evyann Stinson

In all of my dealings with Evyann, she has demonstrated exemplary technical awareness and competency. I am impressed with her ability to resolve complex issues in and out of the classroom and her commitment to providing dynamic support to the students we serve. Evyann’s enthusiasm for teaching and serving incarcerated youth has been notable at the local and state level.

Amelia Earhart – Rachelle Hulse

Rachelle is a dedicated special education teacher who cares deeply about the students she teaches. She works hard to create a safe and successful learning environment for her students. Rachelle builds relationships with these kids and is a strong advocate for her students. She can provide a consistently warm and positive place where, through targeted instruction, she can help these students be successful and feel good about themselves.

Canyon Crest – Jennifer Heldenbrand

Jennifer is an outstanding teacher. She truly cares about the students at Canyon Crest, both those in her classroom and those who are not. Jennifer has a wealth of knowledge and loves to share that with her students. She ensures that each of her students is successful in their learning and plans activities and lessons that are engaging and interesting. Jennifer is a fantastic team member. She is always willing to share her ideas and help in any way needed.

Centennial Middle School – Maegan Sugrue

Maegan Sugrue was voted this year’s Centennial Middle School Teacher of the Year, and there are a thousand reasons why she deserves this accolade. She’s honest, kind, dependable, and probably the most positive person I’ve ever met. Everywhere she goes, she’s smiling, and even when she’s having a tough day, she doesn’t let it negatively affect her. She loves teaching. Maegan loves her students. She strives every day to be her best self and make everyone around her better, and she succeeds.

Dixon Middle School – Zoey Holley

Zoey is an exceptional teacher who works to establish relationships with her students and knows them as she prepares curriculum and lessons to help them succeed. She strives to support each student and their individual capabilities. She understands good practices and has a vision of success in secondary schools. I highly recommend Zoey, who cares for students and cares about other educators.

East Bay Post High – Giulia Cacciatore

Giulia is dedicated to helping all of her students reach their full potential. Since all of her students are disabled, she is willing to take them from where they are functioning to fulfill their utmost potential. No job is too big nor too little. She will do what needs to be done to help her students. Giulia is extraordinary among the exceptional.

Edgemont – Patricia Blanton

Patricia is always willing to help in every area of the school. She is always positive and a problem solver. When faced with a challenge, Patricia looks at all angles to find the best solution. She is always professional and has excellent relationships with all faculty, parents, and students at our school. Patricia is a tremendous asset to Edgemont Elementary School, and we are so happy and proud she is part of our team.

Franklin – Marie Baird

Marie is the kind of colleague that you dream of having. She is self-motivated, takes pride in her work, and is always proactively looking for ways to improve. She understands the time and effort needed to be successful, and I know that she will do whatever it takes to help those around her have that same success.

Independence – Sheree Lewis

Students felt like they were at home in her classroom. The friendly smile, the ovens and stoves and sinks, the colorful fabric stacked about, the smell of buttermilk syrup, and the thoughtful crafts spread around the room warmed their eager hearts. Words can not begin to describe what a huge heart Sheree has. Sheree is the most caring, selfless person; she is always ready to go above and beyond to help in any way she can. Sheree has a fantastic talent.

Lakeview – Lori Sarkady

Lori is patient, kind, trustworthy, fun, caring, welcoming, wise, and a peacemaker. Her students love her, and parents love her. She is a master teacher who has creative strategies to teach students and is always eager to learn new things to help her students. Lori is always willing to make time for others to help or listen. Lori is generous – she is always ready to share anything she comes up with or finds to help us with our lesson plans and activities.

Provo High – Deanna Coates

Deanna is a breath of fresh air to everyone that she meets. However, what often goes unspoken is her knowledge and expertise in what she does. Not many people can manage the complexities and expertise that her position requires. In addition to her kindness and compassion, Deanna is an expert in her field. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience that guides us at Provo High School. She has made a significant footprint on our school, and this influence will remain long after she leaves our school. Provo High School is a better place because of her!

Provo Peaks – Katie Hilton

Katie is excellent with her students. She demonstrates unconditional love for them and creates a safe, creative learning environment. Katie adapts instruction to their various learning styles and needs throughout the day to help them be successful. Katie has high academic expectations for her students, and she also attends to their specific medical necessities. Katie is a master at balancing the health needs of her students and their academic needs.

Provost – Rebecca Larsen

She has strong classroom management skills that come across in a loving and caring way to her students. I also have been impressed by her well-thought-out lesson plans. When teaching, she thinks of the needs of every one of her students and plans out what will help each student. Her desire to constantly improve and do better is apparent. She is always reflective and thinks about what she can do better, even after the best lessons.

Rock Canyon – Karen Murray

Mrs. Murray is an outstanding professional teacher, and her management skills are terrific. Her classroom climate and environment are warm and inviting for all students. She always keeps her cool when things might get somewhat challenging. Karen is a real credit to our profession, a model teacher. She is well-liked and respected by her students, staff, and our community.

Spring Creek – Jackie McDermott

Her awareness of others makes her a supportive part of our team. Her smile and the sound of her laugh have lifted many with her wonderful sense of humor. Jackie has worked with some of our most at-risk students. In doing so, she has collaborated with many of her colleagues to develop and implement student success plans. She has put in extra time and effort to meet students’ needs innovatively. Jackie is definitely a bright spot at Spring Creek.

Sunrise Preschool – Alyssa Bainbridge

Alyssa shows enthusiasm for teaching and learning, is positive and supportive of her students and goes the extra mile to connect with parents and families. She plans and individualizes her lessons to meet the needs of all of her students and works closely with the instructional assistants to teach and use developmentally appropriate practices within the classroom. She is always professional and gives her all to her role of supporting students and teachers. Alyssa is loved by all of her students, families, and colleagues.

Sunset View – Carrisa Bybee

Carrisa is a terrific teacher and colleague. Her positive attitude and love for her students are felt soon after entering her classroom. She knows each student’s strengths and builds on them, so they know they can find success when things get complicated. Her students love being in her class because she makes learning fun every day! We have been so lucky to have Carrisa at Sunset View!

Timpanogas – Teressa Tovar

Teresa is a teacher who exemplifies a warm demander. She has high expectations for all her students and yet has emotional freedom in the classroom. Students can be themselves, and Teresa encourages them always to be the best version of themselves. Teresa creates lasting relationships with all her students and shows them how much she cares about them individually. Her success is their success.

Timpview High – Terry Brown

Terry genuinely cares about his students and their success, as evident by his ability to connect with students and form strong relationships with them and their parents. Terry has experience supporting some of our most vulnerable, at-risk students and helps them by providing each student with a safe space and empowering them to succeed through reaching academic and personal goals. Terry gives all his students the opportunity and ability to thrive.

Wasatch – Laurie Porter

We are so fortunate to have Laurie Porter at Wasatch! Laurie is one of the most conscientiously aware teachers I have had the honor of working with. She knows each child in her class and strives to meet their individual academic, emotional, and social learning needs. Laurie is highly dedicated to serving her students. She has been an enormous blessing in the lives of hundreds of students.

Westridge – Jennifer Frame

Jennie is a positive, warm, and dedicated teacher, an essential part of the Westridge team. Jennie is a teacher that will do anything to see that her students succeed. She is warm and loving and has a calm presence that appeals to her students. Jennie creates engaging lessons that help move her students forward academically. In addition, she continually looks for ways to support her students. ​​

Profesor del año 2022

Cada año celebramos a los profesores más destacados de cada escuela y los honramos en la reunión de la Junta Directiva. Estos profesores son parangones de la defensa compasiva, enseñando con mucho amor y altas expectativas para los estudiantes.

Agradecemos a estos profesores su duro trabajo y los ejemplos que dan a nuestros alumnos. Aquí están nuestros maestros del año:

Educación de Adultos – Gina Aguirre

Gina ha demostrado la habilidad de inspirar a los estudiantes y colegas a ser mejores estudiantes y maestros. Sus estudiantes la ven como su amiga y mentora mientras los guía en la adquisición del lenguaje. Tiene una gran empatía con sus estudiantes, ya que ha estado en su lugar. Aplaudimos su diligencia a la hora de ocuparse de ellos y descubrimos que muchos de sus antiguos alumnos la buscan para que les aconseje y les anime.

Programas alternativos – Evyann Stinson

En todos mis tratos con Evyann, ha demostrado un conocimiento técnico y una competencia ejemplares. Me impresiona su capacidad para resolver cuestiones complejas dentro y fuera del aula y su compromiso de proporcionar un apoyo dinámico a los estudiantes que atendemos. El entusiasmo de Evyann por enseñar y servir a los jóvenes encarcelados ha sido notable a nivel local y estatal.

Amelia Earhart – Rachelle Hulse

Rachelle es una maestra de educación especial dedicada que se preocupa profundamente por los estudiantes que enseña. Ella trabaja duro para crear un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro y exitoso para sus estudiantes. Rachelle construye relaciones con estos niños y es una fuerte defensora de sus estudiantes. Ella puede proporcionar un lugar consistentemente cálido y positivo donde, a través de la instrucción específica, puede ayudar a estos estudiantes a tener éxito y sentirse bien sobre sí mismos.

Canyon Crest – Jennifer Heldenbrand

Jennifer es una profesora excepcional. Ella realmente se preocupa por los estudiantes de Canyon Crest, tanto los que están en su clase como los que no. Jennifer tiene una gran cantidad de conocimientos y le encanta compartirlos con sus estudiantes. Se asegura de que cada uno de sus estudiantes tenga éxito en su aprendizaje y planea actividades y lecciones que son atractivas e interesantes. Jennifer es un fantástico miembro del equipo. Siempre está dispuesta a compartir sus ideas y ayudar en lo que sea necesario.

Centennial Middle School – Maegan Sugrue

Maegan Sugrue fue votada este año como la Profesora del Año de Centennial Middle School, y hay mil razones por las que se merece este galardón. Es honesta, amable, confiable y probablemente la persona más positiva que he conocido. Dondequiera que vaya, sonríe, e incluso cuando tiene un día difícil, no deja que le afecte negativamente. Le encanta enseñar. Maegan ama a sus alumnos. Se esfuerza cada día por ser lo mejor de sí misma y hacer que todos los que la rodean sean mejores, y lo consigue.

Escuela Intermedia Dixon – Zoey Holley

Zoey es una maestra excepcional que trabaja para establecer relaciones con sus estudiantes y los conoce mientras prepara el currículo y las lecciones para ayudarlos a tener éxito. Ella se esfuerza por apoyar a cada estudiante y sus capacidades individuales. Ella entiende las buenas prácticas y tiene una visión de éxito en las escuelas secundarias. Recomiendo encarecidamente a Zoey, que se preocupa por los estudiantes y se preocupa por los demás educadores.

East Bay Post High – Giulia Cacciatore

Giulia se dedica a ayudar a todos sus estudiantes a alcanzar su máximo potencial. Dado que todos sus estudiantes son discapacitados, ella está dispuesta a llevarlos desde donde están funcionando hasta alcanzar su máximo potencial. Ningún trabajo es demasiado grande ni demasiado pequeño. Hará lo que sea necesario para ayudar a sus alumnos. Giulia es extraordinaria entre los excepcionales.

Edgemont – Patricia Blanton

Patricia siempre está dispuesta a ayudar en todas las áreas de la escuela. She is always positive and a problem solver. When faced with a challenge, Patricia looks at all angles to find the best solution. She is always professional and has excellent relationships with all faculty, parents, and students at our school. Patricia is a tremendous asset to Edgemont Elementary School, and we are so happy and proud she is part of our team.

Franklin – Marie Baird

Marie es el tipo de colega que uno sueña con tener. She is self-motivated, takes pride in her work, and is always proactively looking for ways to improve. Comprende el tiempo y el esfuerzo necesarios para tener éxito, y sé que hará lo que sea necesario para ayudar a los que la rodean a tener ese mismo éxito.

Independencia – Sheree Lewis

Los alumnos se sentían como en casa en su aula. The friendly smile, the ovens and stoves and sinks, the colorful fabric stacked about, the smell of buttermilk syrup, and the thoughtful crafts spread around the room warmed their eager hearts. Words can not begin to describe what a huge heart Sheree has. Sheree is the most caring, selfless person; she is always ready to go above and beyond to help in any way she can. Sheree tiene un talento fantástico.

Lakeview – Lori Sarkady

Lori es paciente, amable, digno de confianza, divertido, el cuidado, la acogida, la sabiduría, y un pacificador. Her students love her, and parents love her. She is a master teacher who has creative strategies to teach students and is always eager to learn new things to help her students. Lori is always willing to make time for others to help or listen. Lori is generous – she is always ready to share anything she comes up with or finds to help us with our lesson plans and activities

Provo High – Deanna Coates

Deanna es un soplo de aire fresco para todos los que conoce. However, what often goes unspoken is her knowledge and expertise in what she does. Not many people can manage the complexities and expertise that her position requires. In addition to her kindness and compassion, Deanna is an expert in her field. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience that guides us at Provo High School. She has made a significant footprint on our school, and this influence will remain long after she leaves our school. Provo High School es un lugar mejor gracias a ella.

Provo Peaks – Katie Hilton

Katie es excelente con sus estudiantes. She demonstrates unconditional love for them and creates a safe, creative learning environment. Katie adapts instruction to their various learning styles and needs throughout the day to help them be successful. Katie has high academic expectations for her students, and she also attends to their specific medical necessities. Katie es una maestra en equilibrar las necesidades de salud de sus estudiantes y sus necesidades académicas.

Provost – Rebecca Larsen

Tiene una gran capacidad de gestión del aula que se transmite de forma cariñosa y atenta a sus alumnos. I also have been impressed by her well-thought-out lesson plans. When teaching, she thinks of the needs of every one of her students and plans out what will help each student. Her desire to constantly improve and do better is apparent. Siempre reflexiona y piensa en lo que puede hacer mejor, incluso después de las mejores lecciones.

Rock Canyon – Karen Murray

La Sra. Murray es una excelente profesora profesional, y sus habilidades de gestión son estupendas. Her classroom climate and environment are warm and inviting for all students. She always keeps her cool when things might get somewhat challenging. Karen is a real credit to our profession, a model teacher. She is well-liked and respected by her students, staff, and our community.

Spring Creek – Jackie McDermott

Su conciencia de los demás la convierte en una parte solidaria de nuestro equipo. Her smile and the sound of her laugh have lifted many with her wonderful sense of humor. Jackie has worked with some of our most at-risk students. In doing so, she has collaborated with many of her colleagues to develop and implement student success plans. She has put in extra time and effort to meet students’ needs innovatively. Jackie is definitely a bright spot at Spring Creek.

Preescolar Sunrise – Alyssa Bainbridge

Alyssa muestra entusiasmo por la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, es positivo y de apoyo a sus estudiantes y va la milla extra para conectar con los padres y las familias. She plans and individualizes her lessons to meet the needs of all of her students and works closely with the instructional assistants to teach and use developmentally appropriate practices within the classroom. She is always professional and gives her all to her role of supporting students and teachers. Alyssa is loved by all of her students, families, and colleagues.

Sunset View – Carrisa Bybee

Carrisa es una excelente maestra y colega. Her positive attitude and love for her students are felt soon after entering her classroom. She knows each student’s strengths and builds on them, so they know they can find success when things get complicated. Her students love being in her class because she makes learning fun every day! We have been so lucky to have Carrisa at Sunset View!

Timpanogas – Teressa Tovar

Teresa es una profesora que ejemplifica una cálida exigencia. She has high expectations for all her students and yet has emotional freedom in the classroom. Students can be themselves, and Teresa encourages them always to be the best version of themselves. Teresa creates lasting relationships with all her students and shows them how much she cares about them individually. Her success is their success.

Timpview High – Terry Brown

Terry se preocupa genuinamente por sus estudiantes y su éxito, como es evidente por su capacidad para conectar con los estudiantes y formar relaciones fuertes con ellos y sus padres. Terry has experience supporting some of our most vulnerable, at-risk students and helps them by providing each student with a safe space and empowering them to succeed through reaching academic and personal goals. Terry gives all his students the opportunity and ability to thrive.

Wasatch – Laurie Porter

¡Somos tan afortunados de tener a Laurie Porter en Wasatch! Laurie is one of the most conscientiously aware teachers I have had the honor of working with. She knows each child in her class and strives to meet their individual academic, emotional, and social learning needs. Laurie is highly dedicated to serving her students. She has been an enormous blessing in the lives of hundreds of students.

Westridge – Jennifer Frame

Jennie es una maestra positiva, cálida y dedicada, una parte esencial del equipo de Westridge. Jennie is a teacher that will do anything to see that her students succeed. She is warm and loving and has a calm presence that appeals to her students. Jennie creates engaging lessons that help move her students forward academically. In addition, she continually looks for ways to support her students.

Spencer Tuinei
  • Communication Specialist
  • Spencer Tuinei