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The next school board meeting will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, August 22, 2023. The study session will begin at 4:00 p.m. and the business meeting will begin at 5:25 p.m. 

Both meetings will be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below).  The meetings are open to the public.  


A. 4:00 p.m. Study Session

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Camp Big Springs: Derek Anderson, Business Administrator (30 min, 4:05pm)
  5. AI Discussion: Suzy Cox, Director of Innovative Learning (15 min, 4:35pm)
  6. World Languages Curriculum Adoption: Anne-Marie Harrison Asst. Supt. Teaching and Learning (10 min, 4:50pm)
  7. Out of State Student Travel: Superintendent Wendy Dau (5 min, 5:00pm)
  8. Large Purchase Requests: Derek Anderson Business Administrator (20 min, 5:05pm)

B. Adjourn

  1. Motion to Adjourn

C. 5:25 p.m. Business Meeting

  1. Welcome: President Rebecca Nielsen
  2. Roll Call
  3. Motion to Convene
  4. Pledge of Allegiance: Darrell Jensen, Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education

D. Business Items

  1. Consideration to Adopt World Languages Curriculum
  2. Consideration to Approve Out of State Student Travel, Dixon Middle School to Washington DC
  3. Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request (Wasatch Lighting)
  4. Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request (Wasatch Gym Redesign)
  5. Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request (Strategic Plan)
  6. Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request (World Languages Curriculum)

E. Adjourn

  1. Motion to Adjourn
Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves

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