General Description: This bill amends provisions and programs regarding the operation of the public education system.
Highlighted Provisions:
removes duplicative language regarding a college and career readiness plan;
amends the Teacher Salary Supplement Program and the upcoming replacement Salary Supplement for Highly Needed Educators program to allow a local education agency (LEA) that experiences a carry forward or leftover balance to increase the amount the LEA provides to teachers under certain circumstances;
adds the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind as an LEA that may participate in the Salary Supplement for Highly Needed Educators program;
increases the portion of appropriated funding the State Board of Education (state board) is statutorily authorized to expend for administrative costs for early literacy software, including the cost of an independent software evaluator;
amends provisions regarding kindergarten to:
allow a child to enroll in kindergarten if the child moves to Utah after having enrolled in kindergarten in another state with different age requirements for enrollment; and
repeal a requirement for the state board to create a process for an LEA to follow when an enrolled student in kindergarten is not toilet-trained; amends provisions regarding early learning plans to:
reduce requirements for the plans that LEAs submit to the state board; and
repeal a requirement for the state board to use a digital platform to communicate with LEAs regarding early learning;
amends provisions related to school fees to ensure that a school is not prohibited from charging a fee for a fine arts course; and
makes technical and conforming changes.
Effective Date
May 7, 2025 for most; July 1, 2025 for TSSP section
JLC Position
No position yet; keep working on school fee section
General Description: This bill allows a local education agency to display certain flags in a public school or charter school facility or grounds under certain circumstances and provides a remedy for a violation.
Highlighted Provisions:
allows a local education agency to display in a public school or charter school facility or grounds the following flags:
the official United States flag;
an official Utah state flag;
a POW/MIA flag;
a flag that cannot be disturbed or altered;
a flag that represents an Indian tribe;
a flag that represents a city, county, municipality, or political subdivision of the state;
a current and official flag of a country or subdivision of that country;
a flag that represents a Utah college or university;
an official public school flag; or
a flag that represents a branch, unit, or division of the United States military;
allows a public school or charter school to temporarily display a flag in a classroom that is a part of approved course curriculum; and
allows an organization authorized to use a public school or charter school facility to temporarily display the organization’s flag while the organization is using the public school or charter school facility. Effective Date May 7, 2025 JLC Position oppose Provo City School District Position oppose HB0100: Food Security Amendments Sponsor Clancy, Tyler Summary General Description: This bill establishes a program to provide free breakfast and lunch to eligible students and requires participation in the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program. Highlighted Provisions:
requires the Department of Work Force Services to participate in the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children Program;
provides all eligible students with free breakfast and lunch;
requires the State Board of Education to reimburse each LEA for the cost of providing each meal;
prohibits LEAs from publicly identifying or stigmatizing students who cannot afford meals; and
requires communications regarding a student’s meal debt to be directed only to the student’s parent or guardian.
General Description: Enacts provisions related to federal settlement agreements with LEAs.
Highlighted Provisions:
prohibits an LEA from contracting with the United States Department of Justice unless the State Board of Education reviews the settlement agreements;
requires the State Board of Education to review each proposed agreement between the United States Department of Justice and an LEA or its governing board; and
allows the State Board of Education to make recommendations regarding the agreement.
Amends the process for a local education agency or individual public school to obtain a waiver from the State Board of Education to implement a four-day school week.
General Description: This bill addresses the use of an instructional packet to receive credit in public high schools.
Highlighted Provisions:
prohibits a Local Education Agency from awarding a high school student credit for a course completed through the packet method unless the packet has been approved by the state board; and
requires the state board to review and approve packets.
This bill prohibits certain expenses from being scholarship expenses. “Scholarship expense” does not include: costs related to participation in sports, recreational activities, or athletic programs, including: team fees, uniforms, equipment, or supplies and ski passes, lift tickets, or access to recreational facilities; and any other expense for activities or programs that are already available to the scholarship student through an LEA or other public program regardless of the student’s status as a scholarship student.
General Description: This bill amends provisions regarding the Stipends for Future Educators Grant Program.
Highlighted Provisions:
provides that a student teacher is eligible for the program regardless of the institution at which the student teacher is enrolled;
limits the availability of program funds if the student teacher receives funding from another state program;
provides for one-time funding from a certain account in certain circumstances;
requires the State Board of Education to annually report the anticipated cost of certain one-time appropriations to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
General Description: This bill restricts certain entities from involvement in health education in public schools.
Highlighted Provisions:
prohibits a local education agency from allowing entities that perform elective abortions to provide health-related instruction or materials in public schools.
General Description: This bill modifies provisions related to property taxes and fees imposed when land is no longer used for agricultural purposes.
Highlighted Provisions:
authorizes the county to use 100% of the rollback tax or fee-in-lieu revenue collected within the county when land is no longer used for agricultural purposes for open land and agricultural use;
directs the unused rollback tax or fee-in-lieu revenue from the county where the land is located to the LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund after five years;
updates the sources of revenue to the LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund to include the rollback tax and fee-in-lieu revenue
General Description: This bill prohibits certain employment action against a public employee.
Highlighted Provisions:
prohibits the State Board of Education, a local education agency, or a public employer from taking disciplinary action against an employee for using gender-specific language in certain circumstances;
requires a public employer that has a rule or policy requiring an employee to use gender-specific language to accommodate another individual to exempt the employee from disciplinary action in certain circumstances
General Description: This bill amends provisions governing public employer, public safety, and public fire labor organizations.
Highlighted Provisions:
requires a labor union to provide annual accounting to the labor union members and to the Labor Commission;
prohibits a public employer from recognizing a labor organization as a bargaining agent for public employees;
prohibits a public employer from entering into collective bargaining contracts;
prohibits using public money or public property to assist, promote, or deter union organizing or administration;
excludes new employees for a labor organization from participating in Utah Retirement Systems;
authorizes the state risk manager to acquire and administer professional liability insurance for disputes between a K-12 personnel and a public employer
General Description: This bill modifies provisions regarding sex-designated privacy spaces in education and government facilities.
Highlighted Provisions:
requires the Utah Board of Higher Education to provide guidance regarding student housing that degree-granting institutions own or control;
provides a definitional change for nonprofit exceptions to and broadens the scope of a nonprofit educational institution exception to the Utah Fair Housing Act;
narrows an exception for sex-designated privacy spaces to apply only to a determination of the School Activity Eligibility Commission and a student’s participation in a certain gender-designated interscholastic activity;
removes an ambiguous medical treatment documentation provision from certain lists of evidence supporting an individual’s access to certain sex-designated privacy spaces;
amends provisions regarding government entity facility compliance to specify which government entity bears certain duties;
requires degree-granting institutions to comply with sex designations in assigning students to dwelling units within the institution’s sex-designated student housing
General Description: This bill amends provisions regarding health instruction and physical and mental health procedures in the public education system.
General Description: This bill amends provisions related to school fees.
Highlighted Provisions:
requires a local education agency (LEA) to:
ensure that a student has at least one option at the student’s school to complete all required courses and credits without paying a fee or a waiver; and
clearly disclose any fee related to a course or activity in the description of the course or activity in the LEA’s registration materials;
prohibits an LEA from:
charging a student a fee for certain non-fee courses; or
charging or increasing a fee to a student to supplement or supplant a fee the LEA is prohibited from charging;
allows an LEA to charge a student a fee for certain expenses, under certain circumstances, including for:
expenses beyond the common delivery of instruction;
extracurricular activities;
a discretionary project; and
other additional expenses;
repeals duplicative language regarding fees for textbooks
Effective Date
July 1, 2025 for most of it; July 1, 2026 for the fee-free path option
JLC Position
Waiting to take a position until we work through a few concerns with sponsor
Amends the notification requirements for an offense committed by a student on school grounds;
recodifies and amends requirements related to the notification of an offense committed by a student on school grounds, including statutory provisions addressing investigations, searches, and immunity;
provides that a juvenile probation officer may not offer a minor a nonjudicial adjustment if the minor is 12 years old or older and is referred for a misdemeanor drug offense;
clarifies that a juvenile probation officer may not offer a minor a nonjudicial adjustment if the minor is 12 years old or older and is referred for unlawful adolescent sexual activity;
provides that a court may not grant a petition for expungement of a juvenile record if the petitioner has been adjudicated or convicted of certain drug offenses within two years before the petition for expungement is filed;
repeals statutes regarding notification and reporting of prohibited acts by students
General Description: This bill requires the State Board of Education (state board) to study and make recommendations regarding local education agency (LEA) reporting of costs associated with implementing new legislation.
Highlighted Provisions:
requires the state board to study methods for LEAs to report on the costs of implementing new legislation;
outlines the required elements of the report;
requires the state board consult with LEAs;
requires the state board to report findings and recommendations to the Education Interim Committee;
requires legislative committees to review & consider the recommendations
General Description: This bill amends and enacts statutes regarding juveniles who are habitual truants.
Highlighted Provisions:
requires the State Board of Education (state board) to establish a testing-out assessment option for core courses;
requires a local education agency to implement the testing-out assessments created by the state board;
allows a school administrator, a school administrator’s designee, or a school resource officer to refer a child that is habitually truant to the Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services for prevention and early intervention youth services;
allows a school administrator, a local education agency, or the Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services, to bring a petition alleging habitual truancy against a child and the child’s parent or guardian;
modifies the jurisdiction of the juvenile court in regard to habitual truancy;
addresses venue for a petition alleging habitual truancy;
creates a new chapter, Title 80, Chapter 5a, Children in Need of Services;
moves statutes related to runaways and homeless youth to the new chapter;
allows a school administrator, local education agency, or the Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services, to bring a petition alleging that a child is a habitual truant;
allows a court to make orders regarding a child that is a habitual truant
General Description: This bill amends provisions related to local referendums.
Highlighted Provisions:
subject to certain exceptions, establishes a process for voters who are residents of a school district to hold a local referendum on any legislative action taken by the local school board, including the local school board’s decision to increase a tax or impose a new tax
Requires the minimum basic tax rate imposed by school districts to be certified by consensus between the State Tax Commission, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, and the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst;
allows for the use of money in the Public Education Economic Stabilization Restricted Account to fund certain shortfalls in the basic school program
Repeals the ban on flavored electronic cigarette products;
repeals the nicotine content limit for electronic cigarette products;
amends provisions related to electronic cigarette product enforcement;
repeals the requirement that electronic cigarette products obtain premarket authorization from the federal Food and Drug Administration; ▸requires tracking of electronic cigarette products;
creates penalties for general retail tobacco businesses that sell flavored electronic cigarette products;
for retail tobacco specialty businesses:
raises licensing fees;
creates identification scanning requirements; and
creates surveillance footage requirements;
creates a tobacco handling permit for retail tobacco specialty business employees and operators;
creates a tax on flavored electronic cigarette products; and
amends criminal penalties regarding the illegal sale of tobacco and electronic cigarette products.
This bill establishes a grant program to help local education agencies create or expand catalyst centers.
Highlighted Provisions:
creates the Catalyst Center Grant Program (program) to support local education agencies (LEA) in creating or expanding catalyst centers;
allows for multi-year grants and capital expenditures;
requires alignment with labor market needs, LEA strategic plans, and state career and technical education goals; ▸establishes accountability measures, including limits on carryforward funds and annual reporting;
requires Talent Ready Utah and the Utah Leading through Effective, Actionable, and Dynamic Education to create a marketing campaign for the program;
exempts certain individuals from educator licensing requirements;
amends the Public Education Economic Stabilization Restricted Account to fund the program
General Description: This bill amends and enacts provisions regarding the accessibility of sensitive material through digital instructional material in a school setting.
Highlighted Provisions:
requires the state auditor to establish and oversee a digital materials regulator (regulator), including reporting on the actions of the regulator to the Education Interim Committee;
requires the regulator to:
investigate allegations regarding sensitive material in digital instructional materials;
impose a fine on a vendor that provides digital access to sensitive material in a school setting; &
make recommendations regarding the termination of contracts with fined vendors;
includes information regarding sensitive material in the information the state board provides through a certain parent portal;
allows the regulator to initiate a sensitive material review in any local education agency (LEA);
requires the state board to report alleged sensitive material violations involving digital instructional material that a vendor provides to the regulator;
requires each LEA to:
provide certain information to parents at the time of student registration each year; and
maintain a section on the homepage of the LEA’s website regarding sensitive material reporting;
allows the state board, an LEA, or the Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN) to rescind certain contracts if a vendor does not remove access to digital sensitive material;
requires the state board, an LEA, or UETN to:
provide certain notice to each vendor with which the entity contracts to provide digital instructional material in a school setting; and
ensure that any database or device which a student may access uses a filter or other software to prohibit access to sensitive material
This bill amends provisions regarding criminal trespass upon school property.
Highlighted Provisions:
states that public comment in a local school board meeting that complies with certain restrictions may not be the basis for criminal trespass;
defines and amends terms regarding criminal trespass upon school property, narrowing the scope of the property in question
Effective Date
JLC Position
Provo City School District Position
No Position Stated
HB0483: School & Institutional Trust Lands Administration Amendments
Walter, Neil
This bill addresses provisions related to school and institutional trust lands.
Highlighted Provisions:
clarifies a primary beneficiary representative for a trust established in the Utah Enabling Act;
requires the director of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (administration) to complete a valuation of the administration’s land portfolio every five years;
requires the director to report annually to the Legislature:
the activities of the administration; •an approximate valuation of the administration’s land portfolio;
an audited financial statement of the administration; and
an account of the total amount of funds distributed by the administration;
provides the circumstances under which the state shall offer for sale trust lands subject to a lease;
repeals the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Office
Effective Date
July 1, 2025
JLC Position
Provo City School District
Position No Position Stated
HB0486: Number of School Day Amendments
Teuscher, Jordan
General Description: This bill allows a local education agency governing board to determine a school term.
Highlighted Provisions:
Removes the requirement to set a school term from the State Board of Education;
requires a local education agency governing board to set a school term
Effective Date
July 1, 2025
JLC Position
No Position Stated
Provo City School District Position
No Position Stated
HB0497: Public Education Compliance
Hall, Katy
This bill amends and enacts provisions expanding the authority of the State Board of Education (state board) to address local education agency compliance.
Highlighted Provisions:
requires the state board to use an existing compliance framework to address reports or allegations of noncompliance;
requires the state board to develop a system to prioritize certain complaints to the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission;
requires a school district or charter school to provide information to the state board that is necessary for the state board to fulfill a statutory data gathering, compliance, or reporting requirement
Effective Date
May 7, 2025
JLC Position
No Position Stated
Provo City School District Position
No Position Stated
HB0508: School Data Amendments
MacPherson, Matt
This bill requires the State Board of Education (state board) to study and make recommendations regarding local education agency (LEA) data collection, retention, student information systems, and reporting requirements.
Highlighted Provisions:
creates a Data Systems and Reporting Advisory Committee;
requires the state board to study LEA practices for collection and retention of student personally identifiable information;
requires analysis of LEA student information system costs and capabilities;
requires examination of LEA reporting requirements and potential sunset provisions;
establishes requirements for stakeholder input and coordination;
requires the state board to report findings and recommendations to the Education Interim Committee; and
This bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and operation of public education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, and appropriates funds for the support and operation of public education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025, and ending June 30, 2026.
General Description: This bill modifies the contribution provisions of the New Public Employees’ Tier II Contributory Retirement Act.
Highlighted Provisions:
Authorizes a participating employer to elect to pay member contributions that exceed the contribution cap for employees that are members of the Public Employees’ Tier II Hybrid Retirement System.
Requires a participating employer to make an additional nonelective contribution to an employee that is a member of the Public Employees’ Tier II Defined Contribution Plan, if the participating employer elects to pay the required member contribution as an employer pick-up for employees that are members of the Public Employees’ Tier II Hybrid Retirement System.
General Description: This bill allows the State Board of Education (state board) to adjust funding for charter schools with significant enrollment underestimates.
Highlighted Provisions:
Provides the state board discretionary authority to allocate funds to adjust charter school enrollment estimates.
Specifies funding sources in priority order.
Requires reporting to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget.
Exempts adjustments from certain budgetary requirements.
General Description: This bill amends provisions related to the minimum basic tax that school districts impose.
Highlighted Provisions:
Ensures state funding in an amount that covers the total cost of the basic school program for a school district that imposes the combined minimum basic tax rate.
Requires school districts that impose the combined minimum basic tax to remit to the state the revenue the tax generates.
Repeals provisions regarding state and local contributions toward the basic school program.
General Description: This bill establishes sunset dates and allocation of remaining funds for certain programs.
Highlighted Provisions:
establishes sunset dates for each of the following: Enhancement for Accelerated Students Program; concurrent enrollment funding; student health and counseling support; Teacher Student and Success Program; dual language immersion; Beverly Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning Program; Digital Teaching and Learning Grant Program; grant for professional learning; and professional staff weighted pupil unit;
requires funds for each program be appropriated to the flexible allocation if the program is repealed
General Description: This bill enacts provisions regarding a student’s reasonable expectation of individual privacy and personal modesty in the public education system.
Highlighted Provisions:
Enacts provisions regarding a student’s reasonable expectation of individual privacy and personal modesty in the public education system, including:
prohibiting any requirement that a student undress in the presence of another individual; and
establishing options for local education agencies which constitute compliance regarding the prohibition.
General Description: This bill amends provisions regarding governance of the public education system.
Highlighted Provisions:
amends provisions regarding the appointment, authority, and duties of the state superintendent of public instruction;
amends provisions regarding the scope of authority and duties of employees of the State Board of Education (state board);
amends provisions to describe the level of autonomy of local education agencies relative to the state superintendent and state board employees;
requires a certain process for the state board to follow upon receipt of a complaint of a violation of state statute, including establishing additional corrective action remedies the state board may use;
directs the state board to ensure that core standards are achievable when taken as a whole in context of the quantity and scope of established core standards;
establishes a repeal date for a generic grant of rulemaking authority
General Description: This bill establishes a private and home school online course choice program.
Highlighted Provisions:
removes references to a contractor from the Statewide Online Education Program statute;
creates an online course choice program specifically for private and home school students;
requires the program be administered by an independent program manager contracted by the State Board of Education;
allows eligible students to earn credits through online courses, including courses in blended-learning environments;
requires separate funding from public education programs;
requires the program manager to: approve and oversee course providers, approve and oversee courses offered, establish payment structure for courses, & annually report on program performance
General Description: This bill addresses creation of new school districts and the transition process from divided to new school districts.
Highlighted Provisions:
enacts dates regarding the redistricting of local school board districts after the creation of certain new school districts;
amends the duties of the Office of the Legislative Auditor General to include certain involvement in the transition process from divided to new school districts;
extends, by an additional year, the rights of transferred employees regarding salary and benefits;
reduces the body of voters whose approval is required to create a new school district to voters within the proposed new school district;
reduces the threshold for interlocal participants to propose a new school district to a majority of municipalities that are participants in the interlocal agreement;
allows municipal legislative bodies to create a new school district from within the area of a divided school district remaining after an election that created a new school district;
enacts provisions regarding the transition from a divided school district to new and reorganized new school districts
General Description: Expands the types of facilities in which a micro-education entity or home-based microschool may operate by expanding the sets of occupancy requirements the facility may satisfy.
Highlighted Provisions:
Removes certain square footage requirements.
Excludes a micro-education entity or home-based microschool from a definition of “school” that subjects schools to certain administrative regulations.
Effective Date
May 7, 2025, or on approval of Governor if passed by 2/3 majority.