最後一次修改:7 2 月, 2025
政策 4202 程序 2:電子資源員工、義工、訪客使用者
The following procedures are written to support the Electronic Resources policy and to promote positive and effective digital citizenship among staff, interns, visitors and volunteers. Digital citizenship represents more than technology literacy. Successful, technologically fluent digital citizens live safely and civilly in an increasingly digital world. They recognize that information posted on the Internet is public and permanent and can have a long-lasting impact on an individual’s life and career. In this document, the terms “staff” and/or “employee” include interns, visitors, volunteers and district employees.
如政策 4202 所述,「網路服務」包括但不限於有線和無線電腦、裝置和週邊設備、檔案和儲存、電子郵件和網際網路內容(部落格、網站、網路郵件、群組、維基等)。校區保留優先處理和限制使用及存取網路的權利。
Communications on district computers and networks are public. Privacy should not be presumed and is not guaranteed, even for personal messages. Therefore, staff:
- Should not include personal addresses, pictures of self, phone numbers, location of school, social security numbers, employee ID numbers, and personal financial information in electronic communications. •
- Should give notice immediately to a system administrator if they encounter materials that violate the rules of appropriate use, or if the messages or files sent to them contain threats, sexual references, or if they make them feel uncomfortable. •
- 不應將密碼洩露給他人。
Use of the system must comply with state and federal law, network provider policies and licenses, and district policy.Use of the system for commercial solicitation is prohibited.
Acceptable network use includes:
- 使用網路資源建立檔案、專案、視訊、網頁和播客,以支援教育研究
- 參與部落格、維基、佈告欄、社交網站和群組,並為 Podcast、電子郵件和網頁製作內容,以支援教育研究
- The online publication of original educational material
- 課程相關資料和學生作品。(教室或學校以外的來源必須適當引用)。
- 存取雲端資源,例如電子郵件、檔案共用及其他教育服務
Unacceptable network use includes but is not limited to
- 個人利益、商業招攬和任何形式的報酬
- 學區產生的責任或費用
- 下載、安裝和使用遊戲、音訊檔案、視訊檔案或其他應用程式(包括共享軟體或免費軟體),除非事先獲得校長、行政人員或技術部門的批准
- 支持或反對投票措施、候選人及任何其他政治活動
- 使用猥褻、粗俗或不適當的語言
- 黑客入侵、破解、破壞、禁用防毒軟體、導入病毒、蠕蟲、惡意軟體、特洛伊木馬、定時炸彈、網路掃描等,並變更硬體、軟體和監控工具
- Unauthorized access to district servers, computers, electronic devices, networking equipment and information systems; • Physically damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks
- 網路欺凌、仇恨郵件、誹謗、中傷、任何形式的騷擾、歧視性的笑話/標記/圖片
- 在線上張貼、傳送或儲存的資訊可能會危害他人(例如,炸彈製造、毒品製造)
- 以任何不符合個別學校政策的方式使用設備
- 繞過網際網路或電子郵件過濾器存取不符合 CIPA 的內容。(CIPA - 兒童網際網路保護法)
- 在學校或任何與學校有關的活動中,在個人或校區的任何設備上持有任何形式的色情或性暴露材料(雲存儲服務,如dropbox、copy和sugarync會在您的設備上放置文件的數位副本)。
- 違反著作權法
- 共用密碼或以登入方式授予學生、顧客或員工存取區域網路服務的權限
- 使用您的密碼授權非直接為完成目前職務所需的區域資訊
- 擅自闖入他人的資料夾、工作或檔案(學校官員可能在未經允許或通知的情況下監視資料夾、工作或檔案)
- 故意以任何方式破壞系統或浪費資源(例如磁碟空間、列印容量或電子入侵)
- 存取、上傳、下載、儲存及散佈猥褻、色情或性露骨的資料
- Attaching unauthorized equipment to the district network. Any such equipment may be confiscated.
The use of Network Services is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges and possibly other disciplinary or legal actions including criminal prosecution, suspension, expulsion or termination of employment.
Internet Safety
Personal Information and Inappropriate Content:
- Staff should not reveal student personal information, pictures/video of student or staff, including a home address and phone number, on web sites, blogs, podcasts, videos, wikis, e-mail or as content on any other electronic medium
- Staff should not reveal personal information about another individual on any electronic medium
- No student pictures, videos or names can be published on any class, school or district website unless the appropriate permission has been verified according to FERPA regulations
- If district employees encounter dangerous or inappropriate information or messages, they should notify the appropriated school or district authority
過濾軟體是用來阻擋或過濾存取猥褻或色情的視覺描述 - 以及所有符合《兒童網路保護法》(CIPA) 的兒童色情內容。其他令人反感的資料也可以過濾。何謂「其他不良」資料由當地決定。過濾軟體並非百分之百有效。儘管過濾軟體可增加接收或存取不良資料的難度,但單靠過濾軟體並非解決方案。
- 每位使用者都有責任使用網路和網際網路,並必須避免使用不良網站
- Any attempts to defeat or bypass the district’s Internet filter or conceal Internet activity are prohibited. These attempts include, but are not limited to, the use of proxies, https, special ports, modifications to district browser settings and any other techniques designed to evade filtering or enable the publication of inappropriate content; • Teachers and staff will provide appropriate adult supervision of Internet use
- Staff must make a reasonable effort to monitor the use of this equipment to assure that student use conforms to the mission and goals of the district; and • Staff must make a reasonable effort to become familiar with the Internet and to monitor, instruct and assist effectively
- Adult Content, Sexually Explicit Content, Child Pornography, Pornography, Explicit Art, Obscene, Tasteless, and R Rated content.
- 安全性:不良聲譽網域、BotNet、駭客、惡意程式碼、病毒、網路釣魚、間諜軟體、點對點/檔案分享和網頁型代理伺服器/匿名者
- 賭博
- Illegal/Questionable: Criminal Skills, Dubious/Unsavory, Hate and Discrimination
- Illegal Drugs, School Cheating, Terrorist/Militant/Extremist
- Alcohol
- 烟草
- All other CIPA compliant categories as required.
- 教育材料:其他類別下具有教育價值的資料(如經典文學、性教育等)
一般而言,未經版權所有人的特定許可,禁止下載、複製、複製和散佈軟體、音樂、聲音檔案、電影、影像或其他受版權保護的資料。但是,如果複製和散佈資料屬於美國著作權法 (Title 17, USC) 的合理使用原則 (Fair Use Doctrine),且內容已適當引用,則允許基於教育目的複製和散佈資料。
- 定期變更密碼
- 請勿使用他人帳戶
- 請勿在電子郵件或其他通訊中插入密碼
- 如果您寫下您的使用者帳戶密碼,請將它存放在安全的地方
- 請勿在未加密的檔案中儲存密碼
- 請勿使用網際網路瀏覽器的 「記住密碼 」功能
Lock the screen or log off, if leaving the computer. Student Data is Confidential. District staff must maintain the confidentiality of student data in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
- 網路
- 使用者檔案與磁碟空間使用率
- 使用者應用程式與頻寬使用率
- 使用者文件檔案、資料夾和電子通訊
- 電子郵件
- 網際網路存取
- 與網路和電子郵件使用相關的任何及所有傳送或接收的資訊
No user should presume any expectation of privacy when using the district’s network, software or equipment. The district reserves the right to disclose any electronic messages to law enforcement officials or third parties as appropriate. All documents are subject to the public records disclosure laws. During an investigation to determine whether this policy has been violated, the district reserves the right to submit a GRAMA request for a personal phone and personal account information if the phone/device service is paid for with district funds.
All employees agree to all district policies at time of employment, and also yearly when they sign their contracts.
The use of district “network services” is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges and possibly other disciplinary actions including suspension or termination. Legal action, including civil and criminal prosecution, may also occur toward individuals who willfully cause damage to the district’s network, equipment, and/or related services.
- 2012 年 12 月 11 日
- 2014 年 11 月 24 日