最後修訂:25 11 月, 2024
Policy 4020 P1: Curriculum Development and Adoption of Instructional Materials
The curriculum of a district will be examined on a regular basis according to the cyclical 8 review established by the office of Teaching and Learning. This review of district-wide 9 curriculum materials will run per the established review cycle.
The district curriculum committees guide curriculum and instruction related to their content. These teacher-directed committees establish and monitor such procedures as may be necessary for the selecting, adopting and discarding of instructional materials purchased and implemented by the district. The committees will act upon requests for text approval and removal and will evaluate and act upon citizens’ requests for reconsideration of instructional materials. The function of the committees is to ensure that materials are selected in conformance to stated criteria and related state laws. Regular committee meetings will be held monthly. In addition to the foundation of teachers representing different grade levels and schools in the district, a few building and district administrators will also serve on a district curriculum committee. Meetings are open to the public but only committee members can participate in the discussion and related decision-making
第 1 階段:需求評估
是否在州 RIMS 名單上
在課程審查週期的第二階段,委員會正式成為教材委員會。因此,委員會會邀請社區成員(至少邀請五名家長/大學生/公民作為投票成員),並在學區網站上公佈會議時間和地點。委員會致力於滿足在第一階段需求評估中確定的需求。委員會在第 2 階段經歷以下過程:
- 審閱第 1 階段摘要文件。
- 考慮需求評估的結果,決定是否需要新的和/或補充課程/材料。如果判定為否,委員會的工作就會從第 2 階段進入第 3 階段。如果答案是肯定的,則委員會繼續進行以下工作:
- Create a curriculum program evaluation rubric/tool which includes:
- Alignment with state standards
- 與地區目標一致(包括要點)
- 與實證教學實務一致
- 與區域硬體和軟體的技術相容性
- 政策中的標準:
- 考慮到所服務學生的不同教學需求、能力、興趣和成熟程度,豐富和支援課程內容
- 刺激學生在概念思考、知識深度、事實準確性、體能、文學和道德標準方面的成長。
- Provide sufficient variety so as to present opposing views of controversial issues in order that students may develop the skills of critical analysis and informed decision making
- 有助於發展對美國生活的種族、文化和職業多樣性的了解。
- 客觀地呈現現在和歷史上兩性以及宗教、種族和文化團體成員的貢獻,並以此為基礎。
- 在尊重个人价值、尊严和个人价值观的基础上,提供可用于培养自尊和文化意识的模 式。
- 已通过种族、信仰、肤色、国籍、宗教、年龄、性别和残疾偏见审查。
- 專業發展,包括現場訓練、數位和持續支援。
- 評估套件,包括地區中期評估
- 由委員會決定的其他標準
- 總開銷(利用州立合約,提供 5 年以上的數位 [若有] 存取。
- Create a curriculum program evaluation rubric/tool which includes:
- Submit an RFP, based on the rubric components, for instructional materials. c. Evaluate curricular programs from qualified RFP submissions:
- 使用委員會建立的評分標準
- 向教師和社區徵求反饋意見(例如開放日、調查問卷)
- 考慮成本和可用資金
- 決定委員會的第一和第二選擇 (以投票/共識方式)
- Submit recommendation(s) to the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning The Director(s) of Elementary and Secondary Teaching and
- Learning then reviews the committee’s proposal. Upon the Directors’ approval, the recommendation is taken to the Superintendent and Board of Education for approval. Upon approval by the Superintendent and Board, the Teaching & Learning office initiates the purchase of the product and the start of Phase 3, Professional Development and Implementation.
第 3 階段:專業發展與實施
在課程審查週期的第 3 階段,當董事會批准購買課程後,委員會將致力於規劃和實施教師專業學習, 以滿足第 1 和第 2 階段中所確定的需求,特別是關於新州標準和新課程教材的訓練。此外,委員會還將使課程材料與相關的課程手冊保持一致。委員會的計劃包括
- 所需資源
Consideration of the need to minimize teachers’ time outside the classroom
Utilization of summer for training time
利用學校 PLC/部門-年級會議進行專業協作
利用校區 PD 日進行專業學習新州標準(如適用)。
- 新課程教材(適用時)
初步訓練 (現場/數位)
持續的訓練 (面對面/數位)
- 課程筆記簿
Learning Management System (LMS) integration of new curriculum and updated curriculum notebooks
- 長期規劃與支援
Should a community member wish to make a formal protest regarding specific material used in the school system, they must use the form for requesting reconsideration of instructional materials. These forms are available in Policy 4022 Evaluation and Reconsideration of School Curriculum and Instructional Materials.
At the time of adoption by the board of education, basic instructional materials will be added to the “Approved for Use” list.
After the newly adopted basic materials have been purchased for the schools in the district, and thus superseding those materials which had been previously adopted, the former district adoptions will be removed from the “Approved for Use” list.
Those materials that have been removed from the “Approved for Use” list should be regarded as surplus property and disposed of by the appropriate administrator using the approved vendor in accordance with district and state procedures.
To ensure planning and continuity of instruction, teachers will develop written lesson plans for daily instruction. Lesson plans must include but are not limited to a reference to district curriculum for clear instructional targets, provide for appropriate assessment of student learning and make provisions for differentiated instructional strategies. Lesson plans must be readily available.
Provo City School District’s curriculum will be aligned with the state’s required learning standards. Each teacher in the Provo City School District will employ the aligned curriculum and clearly identified district learning essentials/competencies in providing students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and assessment strategies necessary to meet or exceed the state proficiency cut scores, district graduation requirements and entrance requirements for post-secondary education and/or occupational opportunities.
All students in grades 7 through 12 in the Provo City School District will be provided with a disclosure document for each course that outlines the curriculum for the course pursuant to state and district policy. The disclosure document will describe, through clearly identified district learning essentials/competencies, the extent to which the curriculum will provide students with the knowledge, skills and assessment strategies that will enable them to meet or exceed the state’s proficiency cut scores, district graduation requirements and entrance requirements for post-secondary education and/or occupational opportunities. Additionally, each disclosure document will include the manner in which students will be assessed and graded, along with the classroom management requirements for the class.
Teachers will develop reading lists and classroom libraries so that students have a wide variety of reading materials suggested or available to them that support student mastery of learning essentials and critical content. Teachers will follow the guidelines outlined in Policy 4022, and include these reading lists in their disclosure document to enable parents and the principal to review them. If a parent believes that a book on the reading list is objectionable, the teacher will provide an alternate book for the student to read as a replacement. Parents will sign a statement acknowledging receipt of a class disclosure document.
When it has been determined that textbooks and instructional materials have become obsolete and are in need of disposal from a district site, the obsolete reading material must first be made available to the district approved vendor for processing through that system in accordance with district and state requirements.
- The material has been superseded by a new edition
- The copyright date is old enough to indicate that the material is dated in content, use and accuracy,
- The physical condition precludes further use or,
- The use of the material is limited because of a program change.
It is the responsibility of the Director(s) of Teaching and Learning to provide, on an annual basis and in the spring of each school year, instructions to sites for the annual disposal of all surplus textbooks and library books and instructional materials. The instructions will include directions for packing and reporting materials to be declared surplus through the district vendor.
It is the responsibility of the Financial Administrator to process the finances associated with the disposal of all surplus textbooks, library books and instructional materials in accordance with district and state guidelines.
If the surplus textbooks and library books and instructional materials are determined to have no value or if no purchaser is found, the reading materials may be recycled through the approved district vendor.
- 猶他州行政法規 R277-700
- 中小學一般核心課程
- 猶他州行政規則 R277-700-2
- 定义
- 猶他州行政規則 R277-700-3
- 一般核心與照護標準
- 犹他州行政规则 R277-700-7
- 學生對核心標準的掌握與評估
- 犹他州法典53E-3-501
- 建立公立學校最低標準
- 猶他法典 Ann.53E-4-302
- 州教育委員會的職責
- 猶他法典 Ann.53E-4-408
- 教材與核心標準一致