Last modified: January 16, 2025
Find Your Bus Route
Provo City School District utilizes a service called Transfinder to help parents and students find bus routes and bus stops. Buses are available for students depending on how far they live from their school.
Elementary school students who live further than 1.5 miles from the closest entrance to the school grounds are eligible for bus transportation.
Secondary students who live further than 2 miles from the closest entrance to the school grounds are eligible for bus transportation.
- Use the Transfinder tool linked below to find your bus stop
- Transfinder
- Instructions on how to use Transfinder:
- Step 1: Go to the Transfinder bus route map
- Step 2: In the left column, enter your street address and zip code. Select the grades or schools your students are currently in
- Step 3: Click the search button
- A list of bus stops will appear showing the stop times and bus numbers. Select a bus stop in the list and its location will appear on the map. The map will automatically calculate walk zones. If your school is within a walk zone there will be no bus service and students are expected to walk to school
- Policy 6605: Safe Travel to and from School
- Policy 6605 Procedure 1: Student Conduct on School Buses
- Policy 6605 Procedure 2: Authorization for Change in Assigned Bus Stop
- Policy 6605 Form 1: Authorization to Change Assigned Bus Stop
- Policy 6605 Form 2: Authorization to Ride and Unassigned Bus
- Utah Administrative Code R277-600: Student Transportation Standards