Last modified: October 28, 2022
Education of the whole child is essential to prepare that child for the future. The fine arts are a critical part of that education. Involvement in the arts nurtures 21st century skills such as creativity, self-discipline, problem solving skills, collaboration, appropriate risk-taking, self-confidence, and aesthetic awareness. Study after study show that students involved in the arts do better in school and have more success later in life. Every elementary school in Provo City School District has a highly qualified Kodaly music teacher. Students in Kindergarten through 6th grade receive weekly music lessons with those teachers. Through the district’s partnership with BYU CITES (Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling) six elementary teachers each year are involved in the Arts Leadership Academy and Arts Bridge where they receive intensive training in the fine arts and integrating the arts into other subjects. Many elementary schools are also involved in the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program. These schools have a highly qualified fine art teacher (theatre, dance, or visual art) that the students receive weekly lessons from. These BTSALP specialists collaborate with the core teachers and use their art form to teach a math, science, social studies, or literacy objective.
On a secondary level each school has incredible choices in all art forms for students to choose from. Many of the choirs, bands, orchestras, theatre groups, dance groups (modern and ballroom), and visual artists have won state and regional awards.
Provo City School District is proud of their students and teachers and the high level of artistic excellence they have achieved.