このページでは、PCSDの5年生の成熟プログラムに関する情報とリソースを提供します。各30分のビデオプレゼンテーション(2020年12月承認)は、5年生の人間形成基準をカバーしています。 USBE Health Core Standards:
- Standard 5.HD.1- How the timing of puberty and adolescent development varies, including that there is a wide range of what is healthy or typical.
- Standard 5.HD.2- The basic structures of the reproductive and endocrine systems and their respective functions.
- Standard 5. HD.3- The body changes that accompany puberty and how puberty prepares human bodies for reproduction.
- Standard 5. HD.4- The physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and healthy ways to manage these changes.
- Standard 5. HD.5- Identifies trusted adults (for example, parent, guardian, relative, teacher, counselor, clergy) to talk with about puberty.
- Standard 5. HD.6- How to clearly say no, leave a situation or interaction, identify, and talk with a trusted adult when feeling uncomfortable, afraid, or unsafe.
For any further questions please contact Brian Mangum, Curriculum Specialist-Health/PE/Social Studies at brianm@provo.edu.