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最終更新日11月 25, 2024

Policy 4020 P1: Curriculum Development and Adoption of Instructional Materials

The curriculum of a district will be examined on a regular basis according to the cyclical 8 review established by the office of Teaching and Learning. This review of district-wide 9 curriculum materials will run per the established review cycle.



The district curriculum committees guide curriculum and instruction related to their content. These teacher-directed committees establish and monitor such procedures as may be necessary for the selecting, adopting and discarding of instructional materials purchased and implemented by the district. The committees will act upon requests for text approval and removal and will evaluate and act upon citizens’ requests for reconsideration of instructional materials. The function of the committees is to ensure that materials are selected in conformance to stated criteria and related state laws. Regular committee meetings will be held monthly. In addition to the foundation of teachers representing different grade levels and schools in the district, a few building and district administrators will also serve on a district curriculum committee. Meetings are open to the public but only committee members can participate in the discussion and related decision-making




  1. カリキュラム・ノートの教師による一般的な使い方、具体的には:

    • エッセンシャルズ

    • ペーシング・ガイド

    • アセスメント

    • カリキュラム

  2. 現行の共通カリキュラム/教材の見直し:

    • 州の基準および要点との整合性

    • 効果的でエビデンスに基づく教育実践との整合性

    • 今後数年間の空き状況

    • 年齢/関連性

    • 州RIMSリストの有無

  3. 州基準における生徒の成績




  1. フェーズ1の総括文書の見直し。
  2. ニーズ調査の結果を考慮し、新しいおよび/または補足的なカリキュラム/教材が必要かどうかの判断。判定が「いいえ」の場合、委員会の作業は第2段階から第3段階に進む。答えが「はい」の場合、委員会は次の段階に進む:
    • Create a curriculum program evaluation rubric/tool which includes:
      • Alignment with state standards
      • 地区目標との整合性(必須項目を含む)
      • エビデンスに基づく教育実践との整合性
      • 地区のハードウェアおよびソフトウェアとの技術的互換性
      • ポリシーからの基準:
        • 生徒の多様な指導ニーズ、能力、興味、成熟度を考慮し、カリキュラムを充実させ、サポートする。
        • 概念的思考、知識の深さ、事実の正確さ、体力、文学的・倫理的水準において生徒の成長を促す。
        • Provide sufficient variety so as to present opposing views of controversial issues in order that students may develop the skills of critical analysis and informed decision making
        • アメリカ生活における民族的、文化的、職業的多様性への理解を深める。
        • 現在および歴史的な、両性および宗教的、民族的、文化的グループのメンバーの関心事を客観的に提示し、その貢献を基礎とする。
        • 個人の価値、尊厳、個人的価値観の尊重に基づき、自尊心と文化的認識を育む手段として使用できるモデルを提供する。
        • 人種、信条、肌の色、国籍、宗教、年齢、性別、障がいに関連する偏見について審査を受けていること。
    • 対面式トレーニング、デジタル・トレーニング、継続的サポートを含む専門能力開発。
    • 地区中間評価を含む評価パッケージ
    • 委員会が定めるその他の基準
    • 総費用(5年以上にわたってデジタル[利用可能な場合]アクセスが可能な州との契約を利用。
  3. Submit an RFP, based on the rubric components, for instructional materials. c. Evaluate curricular programs from qualified RFP submissions:
    • 委員会作成のルーブリックの活用
    • 教師や地域社会からのフィードバックを募る(例:オープンハウス、アンケート調査)
    • 費用と利用可能な資金を検討する
    • 委員会の第一候補と第二候補を決定する(投票/コンセンサスによる)
    • Submit recommendation(s) to the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning The Director(s) of Elementary and Secondary Teaching and
    • Learning then reviews the committee’s proposal. Upon the Directors’ approval, the recommendation is taken to the Superintendent and Board of Education for approval. Upon approval by the Superintendent and Board, the Teaching & Learning office initiates the purchase of the product and the start of Phase 3, Professional Development and Implementation.


教育課程検討サイクルの第 3 段階では、教育課程購入の理事会承認後、委員会は、第 1 段階と第 2 段階で特定されたニーズ、特に州の新基準と新教育課程教材に関する研修に対応するため、教師のための専門的な学習の計画と実施に取り組む。さらに、委員会は、カリキュラム教材を関連するカリキュラム・ノートブックに合わせる。委員会の計画では、以下を取り上げる:

  1. 必要なリソース
    • 必要なリソースの特定と獲得:人材、時間、スペース、資材、資金

    • Consideration of the need to minimize teachers’ time outside the classroom

    • Utilization of summer for training time

    • 学校PLC/部門別・学年別ミーティングを専門職のコラボレーションに活用する

    • 新しい州基準を専門的に学ぶための地区PDデーの活用(該当する場合)

  2. 新しいカリキュラム教材(該当する場合)
    • 出版社/プログラム提供のサポート

      • 初回トレーニング(対面/デジタル)

      • 継続的なトレーニング(対面/デジタル)

      • オンライン・プロフェッショナル・ラーニング・ツール

      • 継続的な個別サポート(コーチング、コンサルティングなど)

    • 地区が提供するサポート

      • トレーニング(コースとクラス)

      • コーチング/コンサルティング

  3. カリキュラムノート
    • 新しい基準やカリキュラムに基づく調整が必要

    • カリキュラムノートの変更点の共有/トレーニング

    • Learning Management System (LMS) integration of new curriculum and updated curriculum notebooks

  4. 長期的な計画とサポート
    • テクノロジーサポート、コーチングサポート、カリキュラムスペシャリストのサポート、アセスメントサポートなど、必要な継続的リソースを特定する。


Should a community member wish to make a formal protest regarding specific material used in the school system, they must use the form for requesting reconsideration of instructional materials. These forms are available in Policy 4022 Evaluation and Reconsideration of School Curriculum and Instructional Materials.


At the time of adoption by the board of education, basic instructional materials will be added to the “Approved for Use” list.

After the newly adopted basic materials have been purchased for the schools in the district, and thus superseding those materials which had been previously adopted, the former district adoptions will be removed from the “Approved for Use” list.

Those materials that have been removed from the “Approved for Use” list should be regarded as surplus property and disposed of by the appropriate administrator using the approved vendor in accordance with district and state procedures.


To ensure planning and continuity of instruction, teachers will develop written lesson plans for daily instruction. Lesson plans must include but are not limited to a reference to district curriculum for clear instructional targets, provide for appropriate assessment of student learning and make provisions for differentiated instructional strategies. Lesson plans must be readily available.


Provo City School District’s curriculum will be aligned with the state’s required learning standards. Each teacher in the Provo City School District will employ the aligned curriculum and clearly identified district learning essentials/competencies in providing students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and assessment strategies necessary to meet or exceed the state proficiency cut scores, district graduation requirements and entrance requirements for post-secondary education and/or occupational opportunities.


 All students in grades 7 through 12 in the Provo City School District will be provided with a disclosure document for each course that outlines the curriculum for the course pursuant to state and district policy. The disclosure document will describe, through clearly identified district learning essentials/competencies, the extent to which the curriculum will provide students with the knowledge, skills and assessment strategies that will enable them to meet or exceed the state’s proficiency cut scores, district graduation requirements and entrance requirements for post-secondary education and/or occupational opportunities. Additionally, each disclosure document will include the manner in which students will be assessed and graded, along with the classroom management requirements for the class.

Teachers will develop reading lists and classroom libraries so that students have a wide variety of reading materials suggested or available to them that support student mastery of learning essentials and critical content. Teachers will follow the guidelines outlined in Policy 4022, and include these reading lists in their disclosure document to enable parents and the principal to review them. If a parent believes that a book on the reading list is objectionable, the teacher will provide an alternate book for the student to read as a replacement. Parents will sign a statement acknowledging receipt of a class disclosure document.


When it has been determined that textbooks and instructional materials have become obsolete and are in need of disposal from a district site, the obsolete reading material must first be made available to the district approved vendor for processing through that system in accordance with district and state requirements.


  •  The material has been superseded by a new edition
  • The copyright date is old enough to indicate that the material is dated in content, use and accuracy,
  • The physical condition precludes further use or,
  • The use of the material is limited because of a program change.


It is the responsibility of the Director(s) of Teaching and Learning to provide, on an annual basis and in the spring of each school year, instructions to sites for the annual disposal of all surplus textbooks and library books and instructional materials. The instructions will include directions for packing and reporting materials to be declared surplus through the district vendor.

It is the responsibility of the Financial Administrator to process the finances associated with the disposal of all surplus textbooks, library books and instructional materials in accordance with district and state guidelines.

If the surplus textbooks and library books and instructional materials are determined to have no value or if no purchaser is found, the reading materials may be recycled through the approved district vendor.


