Last modified: Marzo 21, 2025
Policy 5020 P1 Hiring Standards and Practices
Hiring Standards and Practices
Job Postings
To attract a pool of qualified candidates, the District, as necessary, will open positions both inside and outside the District.
All ESP job openings are usually posted for two (2) weeks or, in extreme cases with approval from the Deputy Superintendent, a minimum of one (1) week ( and will be sent via a weekly employee notification.
To apply for a position, the applicant must complete the appropriate application on the Provo City School District applicant portal.
The applicant is responsible to:
- Check job postings at
- Apply for such openings by submitting the information requested in the job posting within five (5) working days of the job posting or by the deadline identified on the job posting.
Only qualified applicants meeting the standards noted in the published job description will be considered for interviews. No applicant should presume that he/she has a right to a job interview.
Consideration of Candidates
Qualified non-district applicants will be considered at the same time as qualified in-district applicants. In all cases, a vacancy will be filled by the best qualified candidate for the position. When all candidates are equally qualified, additional consideration will be given to District employees as follows:
- Current employees who are/will be released from employment due to RIF or other restructuring, resulting in a net reduction in District positions will be considered first.
- Current employees who are entitled to reassignment as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
To fully comply with federal, state and local laws and to assure hiring practices in the District are both legal and ethical, the following standards will be followed:
- The District will hire the best person for the job, except that items b and c (listed below) will be strictly observed.
- No person with supervision responsibility shall hire a relative over whom he/she will have direct or indirect accountability, nor shall a person be placed in a situation where he/she will be supervised by a relative.
- All new employees, regardless of where they are initially placed on the salary schedule, will be on provisional status according to his/her employee classification.
Approvato dal Consiglio d'istruzione
11 marzo 2014
Revised: November 6, 2017
Politiche, procedure e moduli correlati
- 5020 Standard e pratiche di assunzione
- 5020 Procedura 1 Standard e pratiche di assunzione
- 5020 Procedura 2 Impiego di cittadini non statunitensi
- 5020 Procedura 3 Classificazione dei dipendenti
- 5020 Procedura 4 Standard e pratiche di assunzione: Qualifiche dei paraprofessionisti del titolo I e dell'istruzione speciale
- 5020 Procedura 5 Standard e pratiche di assunzione: Controllo dei precedenti
- 5020 Procedura 6 Assunzione e formazione di allenatori extrascolastici
- 5020 P7: Nepotismo
- 5020 P8: Preferenza di assunzione per veterani e coniugi di veterani
- 5020 Modulo 1 Richiesta di lettera di autorizzazione
- 5020 Modulo 2 Impiego di un cittadino non statunitense
- 5020 Modulo 3 Lista di controllo per il visto per insegnanti non statunitensi
- 5020 Modulo 5 Controllo referenze Certificato
- 5020 Modulo 6 Modulo di controllo delle referenze Classificato
- 5020 Modulo 9 Richiesta di pensionamento
- Modulo 5020 Modulo 11 Accordo di colloquio