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Ultima modifica: Febbraio 6, 2025

Politica 3315: Piani di reinserimento degli studenti

Student Reintegration Plans for Students Who Have Committed Violent Felonies or Weapons Offenses            

The Provo City School District Board of Education and Superintendent have been tasked with creating reintegration plans for students who have committed violent felonies or weapons offense and reside within the district boundaries. The policy and procedure address the district’s responsibility to help students reintegrate into the public school system after they have been adjudicated for their offenses.

The District shall abide by the law as written in Utah Code 53G-8-213 e Utah House Bill 418 (2024), which outline the responsibilities and procedures for reintegration of students who have been arrested for, charged with, or adjudicated in the juvenile court for violent felonies or weapons offenses. The law requires the District to take action and begin the development of a reintegration plan for students within five (5) days of receiving notification that an offending student lives within the District’s boundaries. Procedures will outline the steps and responsibilities of reintegration plan development.

Riferimenti legali

Board Adopted

  • 10 dicembre 2024