
最后修改6 月 26, 2023

PAE Registration & Fees

Adult Education Program Registration Information

有关注册时间和信息,请致电 801-374-4840。

Classes begin on March 16th and end on May 22nd. Enrollment is open on any day during business hours, including into the semester!

Registration Fee: $25 first term of the school year and $10 for each term after that in a school year.

English Language Acquisition Registration Information

Registration is in January and July. Please call (801) 374-4904 for detailed information.

What You Will Need: Students must bring a valid proof of Utah address. Students must be 18 years or older at the time of registration.

Registration fee is $30, and books cost $30.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Classes will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Registration fee is $30.
