最後修改21 3 月, 2025
Policy 4020 P6 Hiring and Training of Extracurricular Coaches
Coaches and advisors of extracurricular activities are valued members of the district and serve an important role in their work with students. Hiring and training quality coaches and advisors are crucial first steps for school administrators. The following steps should be followed to ensure consistency in the process.
Please note that a coach may not work with students until all steps have been completed.
- Post the position through Human Resources. Positions should be posted for a minimum of 10 workdays except in the case of an emergency (e.g. hiring after a season begins), in which case a special dispensation may be granted through the Director of Human Resources.
- Screen the applications. A minimum of two individuals should screen all applications. Any application that indicates a criminal past should be removed and further information may be requested.
- Interview candidates. A minimum of two individuals should participate in the interview committee. Interview questions should be reviewed for potential bias, and all candidates should be asked the same set of questions.
- Check references. A minimum of two references must be called, and the Reference Check form must be completed. A negative reference may require contacting Human Resources, and depending on the situation will lead to the refusal of the position. In this event, work closely with the school administrator.
- Offer a position and submit ATE paperwork to Human Resources. Once a position has been offered, the school administration will need to submit ATE paperwork to Human Resources to begin the training process. It must be stressed that an offer doesn’t permit a hire to begin working with students until after the completion of the background check and all training.
- Hire meets with Human Resources to complete a background check. Once the ATE has been submitted to Human Resources, the hire will arrange a time to complete the background check at the district office. The fee for the background check is $40. Failure to pass the background check may result in the withdrawal of the position.
- Hire completes the following training through Safe Schools. Access to Safe Schools is provided through Human Resources.
- Code of Conduct
- Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting
- Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention
- Hazing Awareness & Prevention
- Concussion*
- First Aid*
- CPR*
- Financial Accounting
- NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching (not required with a coaching major/minor) – the hire is responsible for the $60 fee associated with the training, but the district may reimburse through accounts payable upon successful completion.
- Athletic Director receives notice from HR upon completion of training and background clearance. The Athletic Director may then notify the hire to begin work.
- All training MUST be completed before work with students. While specific dates will be set by Athletic Directors in coordination with Human Resources, general deadlines for each season are mid-July for Fall; beginning of November for Winter; and end of February for Spring.
- Emergency Situation (e.g. hiring after the season begins). With approval from the Director of Human Resources and School Principal, an exception to the training requirement may be made for any hire after the season begins under the following conditions: training (a–d) are completed before beginning work and training (e–i) are completed within the first two weeks of employment. Failure to complete all training within the stipulated timeframe may lead to the hire’s removal from work.
*The hire must complete a follow-up meeting with either the athletic trainer or school nurse to fulfill the practical elements of the training.
- Utah Code 26-53-201
- Utah Administrative Code R277-515
- Utah Administrative Code R277-605
- Utah Administrative Code R277-614
- UHSAA Guidelines 5.1.1
Adopted: June 9, 2020
- Concussion and Head Injury Policy
- Utah Educator Professional Standards
- Coaching Standards
- Athletes and Students with Head Injuries
- Coaches’ Certification
- 5020 聘用标准和做法
- 5020 程序 1 聘用标准和做法
- 5020 程序 2 雇用非美国公民
- 5020 程序 3 雇员分类
- 5020 程序 4 聘用标准和做法:Title I 和特殊教育辅助人员的资格要求
- 5020 程序 5 雇用標準與作法:背景調查
- 5020 程序 6 课外教练的聘用和培训
- 5020 P7:裙帶關係
- 5020 P8:退伍軍人及退伍軍人配偶的優先僱用權
- 5020 表格 1 授权书申请表
- 5020 表格 2 雇用非美国公民
- 5020 表格 3 非美国教师签证核对表
- 5020 表格 5 证明人查询表
- 5020 表格 6 证明人查询表 分类
- 5020 表格 9 退休申请
- 5020 表格 11 面谈协议书