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最後一次修改:17 3 月, 2025

Religious Neutrality – Constitutional Freedom in Public Schools


Any school in Provo City School District, in accordance with State Office of Education policy, may undertake any instructional activity, performance, or display that includes examination of or presentations about religion, political or religious thought or expression, or their influence on music, art, literature, law, politics, history, or any other element of the curriculum. These activities are permitted provided they are designed to achieve secular educational objectives and are conducted in accordance with applicable District rules.

No aspect of cultural heritage, political theory, moral theory, or societal value shall be either included within or excluded from school curricula solely because it affirms, ignores, or denies religious belief, religious doctrine, a religious sect, or the existence of a spiritual realm or supreme being.

Religious Neutrality

  • Provo City School District school officials and employees may not use their positions to endorse, promote, or disparage any religious, denominational, sectarian, agnostic, or atheistic belief or viewpoint.
  • District schools may not sponsor prayer or religious devotionals.

Participation Waivers

If a parent/guardian or a secondary student determines that participation in a portion of the curriculum or an activity would require affirming or denying a religious belief or right of conscience, or engaging or refraining from a practice related to religious rights, the parent/guardian or student may request:

  • A waiver of the participation requirement.
  • A reasonable alternative that requires equivalent performance of the secular objectives.

If a student submits a waiver or alternative request, the school administration shall promptly notify the student’s parent/guardian, including details of the curriculum or activity in question.

The Principal, in consultation with the student’s teacher and after discussion with the student and parent/guardian, shall decide one of the following options:

  • Waive the participation requirement.
  • Provide a reasonable alternative to the requirement.
  • Require participation, ensuring that any limitations on student expression, practice, or conduct use the least restrictive means necessary to satisfy curriculum objectives or another compelling governmental interest.

Expressions of Belief

Students participating in school-directed curricula or activities may express personal beliefs unless such expression:

  • Unreasonably interferes with order or discipline.
  • Threatens the well-being of persons or property.
  • Violates concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to the school setting.

Teachers and principals will safeguard opportunities for all students to share their beliefs in appropriate ways.

Expressions of Belief During Discretionary Time

Free expression of voluntary religious practice or freedom of speech by students during discretionary time (non-instructional time when a student is free to pursue personal interests) shall not be denied unless:

  • The conduct unreasonably interferes with school officials’ ability to maintain order and discipline.
  • The conduct unreasonably endangers persons or property.
  • The conduct violates concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to the school setting.

Any limitation on student expression, practice, or conduct shall use the least restrictive means necessary to satisfy curriculum objectives or another compelling governmental interest.


  • 犹他州法典 53G-10-202
  • 犹他州法典 53G-10-205
  • 犹他州法典 53G-10-203


经教育委员会批准: 2014 年 10 月 14 日

Synopsis: Maintaining Constitutional Freedom in Public Schools, Waivers of Participation, Expressions of Belief – Discretionary Time
