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Last modified: 19 3 月, 2025

Policy 4425 P2 High School Demonstrated Competency Credit

4425 P2 State Rule R277-705 enables a district (LEA) to develop various methods to confer credit, including demonstrated competency. Demonstrated competency is defined as subject mastery as determined by the LEA.

Students in the Provo City School District that can demonstrate that they have met state academic standards, whether in a district-defined course or through learning outside of the classroom, may be provided the opportunity to receive credit toward a high school diploma. Credit may be granted as either credit or as credit recovery for courses that have previously been failed.

Any demonstration of competency that is not achieved through the issuance of a letter grade will result in a Pass on a student’s transcript, and a Pass will not be calculated into a student’s cumulative grade point average.

Methods for Demonstrating Competency

The following list identifies various methods recognized by the Provo City School District that a student, in collaboration with the classroom teacher and school counselor, may use to demonstrate competency:

  1. Receive a passing grade issued by a teacher in a course.
  2. Continue to work with a teacher beyond the end of the original grading period to earn a passing grade.
  3. Complete a district-approved paper packet (IHS only).
  4. Pass a Provo Online course.
  5. Earn a passing score of 70% or higher on a final exam in a district-recognized credit recovery course.
  6. Earn a passing score on a test at the Davis Testing Center.
  7. Receive a passing grade in a subsequent grading period in a sequential course, e.g., mathematics, as determined appropriate by the teacher.
  8. Produce a collection of evidence/work that meets the state standards as assessed by a school committee (see 4425 F1).

Schools should work closely with students and parents to communicate the minimum expectations for a high school diploma and various means to demonstrate competency.


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