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Last modified: 19 3 月, 2025

Policy 4485 Academic Integrity P1

Academic Integrity Scope

This policy/procedure will be implemented for students of all grade levels seven through twelve. Infractions by students in grades K-6 will be dealt with as a teaching issue providing no further violations occur.

Consequences will be cumulative for all middle school courses but do not carry over to the high school. Students in middle school who choose to take high school courses are held to the cumulative nature of high school. Consequences will be cumulative for all high school courses. Schools are authorized to use online programs to monitor student work. “Turnitin.com” is a current example of a reputable online program for this purpose.



“Plagiarism” comes from the Greek root word “kidnapping” and is the theft of someone else’s ideas, words, or other without clearly acknowledging the creator and using that material as one’s own. Plagiarism includes an exact copying or rewording of another’s work, paraphrasing, partial quotation or summarization of another’s work without properly acknowledging the creator of the original work. Plagiarism includes copying any of the following without limitation: tests, homework, research, speeches, presentations, programs, class assignments, lab reports, graphs, charts, essays, compositions and term papers.

Plagiarism is a form of intellectual and academic dis-integrity that can be done intentionally or unintentionally. Intentional plagiarism is the deliberate presentation of another’s work or ideas as one’s own. Unintentional plagiarism is the inadvertent presentation of another’s work or ideas without proper acknowledgement because of poor or inadequate practices.

Intentional plagiarism is the deliberate presentation of another’s work or ideas as one’s own.

Unintentional plagiarism is the inadvertent presentation of another’s work or ideas without proper acknowledgement because of poor or inadequate practices. Unintentional plagiarism is a failure of scholarship; intentional plagiarism is an act of deceit.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Downloading information from the Internet or other source and submitting it as one’s own work.
  • Submitting as one’s own work that which is copied or translated from another source.


Provo City School District defines “Cheating” as the deliberate or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, technology, study aids as well as giving or receiving improper assistance. The student is responsible for consulting the teacher regarding whether group work is permissible on assignments, projects, tests, or other academic exercises.

Representing or attempting to represent oneself as another person, or attempting to have oneself represented by another academic endeavor, constitutes cheating. Forging of signatures and/or falsifying or altering grade-related documents, programs, or information, is considered cheating.

Staff Responsibilities

School Personnel are to:

  • Use the Academic Integrity Policy/Procedure to set classroom expectations.
  • Lead a discussion within the first week of each course identifying expectations with regard to the Academic Integrity Policy and include this information in the course syllabus.
  • Continue to educate students and offer guidance regarding acceptable and unacceptable behavior in areas that shall include but are not limited to test-taking, researching, writing, and using library and computer resources.
  • Promote circumstances in the classroom that reinforce academic honor and promote self-expression.
  • Enforce the Academic Integrity Policy in a fair and consistent manner.
  • Use and continually revise forms of assessment that accurately measure student learning.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of efforts and make necessary changes to promote academic integrity.

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

1st Incident:

  • The teacher will notify the student prior to contacting the parent.
  • The teacher will notify the counselor and grade-level administrator.
  • The counselor will arrange a meeting with the student and student’s parent/guardian and notify administration.
  • The offense will be reported to the Athletic/Activities Director as a violation of the PCSD Co-Curricular Code of Conduct.
  • The administration and organization advisors will review the student’s eligibility for honor societies and academic awards as well as their eligibility for student privileges.
  • The student will complete the assignment/assessment/work OR an alternate assessment/assignment as assigned by the classroom teacher at a time arranged by the staff member.
  • The student will be administered an administrative detention.
  • This infraction will be logged in the student information system.

2nd Incident in the same or proceeding school years of the middle or high school levels:

  • Steps 1 through 7 from the first incident will be followed.
  • The student will be issued a suspension from school and attend a conference conducted by an administrator with the teacher, counselor, and student’s parent/guardian.
  • The student will not be eligible for school-based scholarships.
  • If the student accrues two plagiarism offenses and is currently enrolled in an AP course or courses, that student will not be allowed to take the AP exam(s) for any AP courses of the current semester.
  • The student will be penalized one full letter grade on the final semester grade.
  • This infraction will be logged in the student information system.

Any additional violations by the student beyond his/her 2nd incident will be dealt with per Safe School Policy/Procedure 3310. Infractions will be referred to the District Discipline Screening Committee for review and consequences.

Academic Dishonesty Appeal

The student and his/her parent/guardian have recourse in the event that the individual’s right to due process may not have been upheld. Issues related to the appropriateness and levels of discipline imposed are not subject to appeal. All consequences for the alleged offense will remain in effect during the appeal process.

  1. A student and/or his/her parent/guardian may formally appeal an alleged violation of due process related to an Academic Integrity Policy violation in writing to the principal within five school days of their notification of the teacher’s decision.
  2. The principal will render a decision on the appeal in writing within five school days of receipt of the written appeal.
  3. If a student/parent/guardian disagrees with the decision of the principal, that individual may appeal the decision in writing within five school days to an Appeals Board through the principal. The Appeals Board will review the appeal within five school days of receiving the request. The decision of this body is final.
  4. In the case of a second-semester senior where the result of an appeal may affect the student’s graduation from high school, the appeal will go directly to the Appeals Board and will be heard within one school day following receipt of the written appeal.
  5. To change a consequence, all members of the Appeals Board must agree. Without unanimous agreement, the consequence stands. The decision of the Appeals Board will be issued in writing to the appealing student/guardian, and a copy will be placed in the student’s cumulative file.
  6. If a student commits a third (or more) act of academic dishonesty and is referred to the District Discipline Screening Committee, all appeal processes will be followed as outlined in the Safe School Policy/Procedure 3310.


February 1, 2016

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