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Last modified: 19 3 月, 2025

Policy 4435 Middle School Academic Standards

Policy No. 4435

The Provo City School District Board of Education supports strong and clear academic standards in all grades, subjects, programs, and schools throughout the district. As such, the board further supports the development of locally developed academic standards, aligned with defined core curriculum from the State of Utah.

Middle school is an academic and social bridge between a student’s elementary school experience and the increasing levels of rigor to come with each successive high school grade level. A student’s academic performance in middle school serves to set up a pattern of academic performance he/she will take to high school and beyond. It is therefore essential that in middle school, students prepare for their future by establishing and maintaining positive academic skills and behavior.

The Provo City School District Board of Education believes students need to understand that strong academic performance is expected and supported by the district’s unflagging commitment of providing help in all needed areas. Students may be placed in support courses to foster the development of missing knowledge and skill. The middle schools and high schools will use the academic performance of every student as the prime placement criteria for placement in courses, including remediation courses. Remediation/support classes and programs may occur during the regular school day or after school. Parents who wish to override the placement decisions of the school in such cases will be asked to sign a form, recognizing that they are declining what the school deems to be the best placement for the student’s academic success.

Due to the research-based evidence that retention can be harmful to students, the board discourages retention. Please see Policy 4421, Advancement and Retention of Students.


2016 年 12 月 13 日

