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The next school board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11. The study session will begin at 4:10 p.m. and be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below). The business meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Both meetings are open to the public and public comment is accepted during the business meeting.


下午 4:10 研習會

  1. 歡迎總裁 Jennifer Partridge
  2. 点名
  3. 召开会议的动议
  4. Board Handbook Training: Member Emily Harrison (4:12 pm, 3 min)
  5. Boundary and Feasibility Study (4:15 pm, 90 min)
  6. 2025-2026 Calendar and Kindergarten Testing (5:45pm, 10 min)
  7. Policy Review 1st Reading: Board of Education, Personnel, Curriculum, Transportation: Superintendent Wendy Dau (5:55 pm, 30 min)
  8. Lease Revenue Bonds: Business Administrator Devyn Dayley (6:25 pm, 5 min)
  9. Timpview Cafeteria Exterior (6:30 pm, 15 min)
  10. Consent Calendar Review and Questions: Pres. Jennifer Partridge
  11. Upcoming Board Calendar Items: President Jennifer Partridge
  12. 休会动议

晚上 7:00 商务会议

  1. 歡迎總裁 Jennifer Partridge
  2. 点名
  3. 召开会议的动议
  4. 致开幕词:成员 Meg Van Wagenen
  5. Pledge of Allegiance: Edgemont Students, Ephraim Kane – 1st grade, Elias Kane – 3rd grade
  6. 社区联系
    • Employee Recognition: Provo Way Awards
    • School Report: Edgemont Elementary School
    • 公众意见
  7. 业务项目
    • 2025-2026 School Calendar
    • Administrative Changes Announcement
  8. 同意日程
    • 作为一致同意日程一部分的执行局会议记录
    • 作为一致同意日程一部分的执行局会议记录
    • 作为一致同意日程一部分的人事报告
    • 家庭学校、择校、电子学校报告作为同意日程的一部分
    • 作为同意日程一部分的财务报告
    • 批准一致同意的日程表
  9. 学生委员会成员报告
    • 学生委员会成员报告
  10. 业务主管报告
    • 业务主管报告
  11. 董事会成员圆桌会议
    • 关于执行局成员分配的报告
  12. 总监报告
    • 批准的学生差旅费
    • 杂项
  13. 休会
Alexander Glaves
  • 社交媒体/营销专家
  • 亚历山大-格拉夫斯
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