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At the February 25 Board meeting, the board looked at the proposed draft of the School Fees for the 2025-2026 school year.  Below you are able to view these proposed fees by school.  Please note that you will see six columns for each schools proposed fees.  There is a proposed bill being discussed in the current legislative session.  The third and fourth columns represent the fees if that bill is rejected.  The fifth and sixth columns represent the fees if the bill is accepted.  Please view the proposed fees and, if you have any questions or comments, click on the link to complete the feedback form.

Provo High Proposed 2025-2025 Fee Schedule

Centennial 2025-2025 Fee Schedule

Independence 2025-2026 Fee Schedule

Shoreline Middle School 2025-2026 Fee Schedule

District Wide Fees 2025-2026

Eliza Tuinei
  • Элиза Туиней
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