Последнее изменение: 27 марта, 2025
Политика 6170 Управление заявками на гранты
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance in the development, approval and management of grants executed by the Provo City School District in the procurement of program revenues. The intent is to develop grant applications which are approvable, viable and ready to implement upon execution and do so in a manner which is most advantageous to the District.
Provo City School District requires certain applications for funding from external funding agencies (see 6170 P1 for details) be reviewed and approved by the Grant Coordinator and Business Administrator. In addition, Provo City School District requires the Grant Coordinator be included in discussions early in the grant writing process for certain grants (see 6170 P1 for details).
Approval from the governor is required for any grant application to be submitted for federal education funds. All grant activities and revenues are subject to District policies and procedures. Grants in the form of a donation (such as for field trips) are not subject to the application process and may be accepted within revenue policy limits without the need for approval.
Юридические ссылки:
- Cross References: PCSD 6170 P1
Утверждено Советом по образованию:
14 июля 2020 г.