Последнее изменение: 27 марта, 2025
Политика 6015 Баланс фонда
Provo City School District (PCSD) recognizes the importance of maintaining fund balances at stable and sufficient levels to ensure long-term financial viability. Factors which impact the necessary level of fund balance include economic stability, reliability of local, state and federal funding, capital needs, bond ratings, and the ability to meet other contingent issues or emergencies.
The district will make every effort to maintain sufficient reserves to:
- Fund emergencies as they arise
- Ensure that learning and work flow is minimally impacted
- Ensure bond ratings remain at an acceptable level
- Support Long Term planning
As such, the District shall maintain total Committed, Assigned and Unassigned Fund Balance in the General Fund at 20-25% of total General Fund revenues. Additionally, Unassigned and Board Contingency Fund Balance shall be maintained at 8-10% of general fund revenues, with Board Contingency not to exceed state compliance percentage.
The District, reserves the right to appropriate funds from the fund balance for emergencies and other requirements that the District believes to be in its best interests.
Any significant reduction of the fund balance shall be supported by:
- A written Board approved plan for the use of the funds
- Board approval of the annual budget and budget adjustments throughout the fiscal year
- A replenishment plan which will replenish the reduced fund balances to the target percentage within a 3-5 year time period or less
Юридические ссылки:
- Utah State Code 53G-7-304 Undistributed Reserve in School Board Budget
- GFOA Best Practices – Appropriate Level of Fund Balance in the General Fund; Replenishing Fund Balance in the General Fund
Утверждено Советом по образованию:
13 октября 2015 г.