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Last modified: 25 марта, 2025

Policy 5265 P1 Medical Recommendations by School Personnel to Parents

Медицинские рекомендации школьного персонала

School employees may provide information and observations to a student’s parents or guardians about the student’s:

  1. progress
  2. здоровье и благополучие;
  3. социальные взаимодействия; и/или
  4. поведение

School employees may complete a behavioral health evaluation form if requested by a student’s parent or guardian to provide information to a licensed physician.

In addition, a school employee may communicate information and observations between school personnel regarding a student. School employees may also refer a student to other appropriate school personnel and agents, including referrals and communication with a school counselor/social worker or other mental health professionals working within the school.

If a school employee believes a student is at risk of (a) attempting suicide, (b) physical self-harm, or (c) harming others, then the employee may question the student about the suicidal thoughts, self-harming behavior, or thoughts of harming others in order to refer the student to appropriate prevention services and to inform the student’s parent or guardian. However, the questioning shall be limited to that which is necessary for referral to prevention services or to make the parent or guardian aware of the perceived risk.

If a school employee believes that a situation exists which presents a serious threat to the well being of a student, that employee shall notify the student’s parent or guardian without delay. The school employee may consult or use appropriate health care professionals in the event of an emergency while the student is at school, consistent with the student emergency information provided at student enrollment.

The school shall notify the parent or guardian of a student who:

  1. угрожает совершить самоубийство; или
  2. is involved in an incident of bullying, hazing, cyber-bullying, harassment or retaliation (whether as a victim or as a perpetrator).

The school shall produce and maintain a record that verifies that the parent or guardian was notified of the threats or incidents listed above. The record is a private record of the Government Records Access and Management Act.

The process for notifying a parent or guardian shall consist of:

The school principal or designee shall attempt to make personal contact with a parent or guardian when the school has notice of a threat or incident listed above. If personnel contact is not possible, the parent or guardian may be contacted by phone. Contact with the parent or guardian must be documented in a “Parent /Guardian Notification Record of Student Bullying Incident or Suicide Threat.” A copy of the “Parent /Guardian Notification Record of Student Bullying Incident or Suicide Threat” shall upon request be provided to the parent of the student to whom the record relates.

After the student has graduated, the District shall expunge the record of parental notification upon request of the student.

Школы не могут требовать от учеников принимать конкретные лекарства или лечение

Сотрудники школы не должны требовать, чтобы ученик принимал или продолжал принимать определенное лекарство, как безрецептурное, так и рецептурное, в качестве условия посещения школы. Это не относится к вакцинации, которую требует Департамент здравоохранения в качестве предварительного условия для посещения школы.

Работники школы не имеют права:

  1. recommend to a parent or guardian that a student take or continue to take a psychotropic medication
  2. require that a student take or continue to take a psychotropic medication as a condition for attending school
  3. recommend that a parent or guardian seek or use a type of psychiatric or psychological treatment for a student
  4. conduct a psychiatric or behavioral health evaluation or mental health screening, test, evaluation or assessment of a student, except when necessitated to meet the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and it subsequent amendments; or
  5. make a child abuse or neglect report to authorities, including the Division of Student and Family Services, solely or primarily on the basis that a parent or guardian refuses to:
    1. психиатрическое, психологическое или поведенческое лечение учащегося, включая введение ему психотропных препаратов; или
    2. психиатрическое или поведенческое обследование учащегося.

However, school employees may make a report that would otherwise be prohibited under the guidance listed above if failure to take the action would present a serious, imminent risk to the student’s safety or the safety of others.

Школьные специалисты по психическому здоровью и консультанты могут рекомендовать лечение или оценку

Школьный консультант или другой специалист по психическому здоровью, действующий в соответствии с Законом о профессиональной практике в области психического здоровья или имеющий лицензию Совета по образованию штата, работающий в школьной системе, может:

  1. recommend, but not require, a psychiatric or behavioral health evaluation of a student;
  2. recommend, but not require, psychiatric, psychological, or behavioral treatment of a student;
  3. provide to a parent or guardian, upon the specific request of the parent or guardian, a list of three or more health care professionals or providers, including licensed physicians, psychologists, or other health specialists; and
  4. conduct a psychiatric or behavioral health evaluation or mental health screening, test, evaluation, or assessment of a student; however, prior written consent of the student’s parent or guardian and a two-week minimum notification period are required prior to conducting the behavioral health evaluation or mental health screening, test, evaluation, or assessment. A parent or guardian may waive the two week minimum notification period.

However, this written consent and notice is not required before questioning a student believed to be at risk of suicide, physically self-harming behavior, or harming others to the extent needed for referral to appropriate prevention services and to notify the parent or guardian of the perceived risk.

Обучение и дисциплина

Округ должен обеспечить обучение соответствующего персонала надлежащему применению данной политики и процедуры. Умышленное нарушение этой политики должно рассматриваться как дисциплинарное взыскание.

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